

5G-Advanced Network

UAV & Satellite

        • Intelligent Reflecting Surface

        • Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface

        • Unmanned Aerial Systems

        • Satellite in 5G Core

5G Mobile Network

5G Core & Access Network

        • Software-Defined Networking

        • Network Functions Virtualization

        • Network Planning

        • Relay Node Placement

Cloud, Fog & Edge Computing

Virtual Machine Placement in Clouds

Tree-Structured Data Center

Paper titled "Service-Oriented Virtual Machine Placement Optimization for Green Data Center," in ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications, in 2015

Subject & Issue:

Different Kinds of Cloud Services

Worker Role and Web (IIS) Role in Windows Azure

Inbound and Outbound Communication between VMs

Fat-Tree-Structured Data Center

Paper titled "Link-aware Virtual Machine Placement for Cloud Services based on Service-Oriented Architecture," in IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, in 2020

Subject & Issue:

k Pods in k-ary Fat Tree

Network-Aware VM Placement Optimization Problem

Service-Oriented PM Selection (SOPMS) Algorithm

Link-Aware VM Placement (LAVMP) Algorithm

Resource Prediction & Allocation in Cloud & Fog

Prediction & Allocation by MOGA

Paper titled "Dynamic Resource Prediction and Allocation for Cloud Data Center Using the Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm," IEEE Systems Journal, in 2018

Subject & Issue:

Multi-Objective Optimization (MOO) Problem

Design of Chromosome, Crossover & Mutation

T_slot = T_prediction + T_allocation

Lightweight Autoscaling for Fog

Paper titled "A Lightweight Autoscaling Mechanism for Fog Computing in Industrial Applications," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, in 2018

Subject & Issue:

Integrated Virtualization Fog Platform

Hypervisor & Container Virtualization

Fuzzy-based Real-Time Autoscaling (FRAS) Mechanism

IoT & Big Data

WSN & CR & IoT

      • Wireless Sensor Network

      • Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Network

      • IoT Applications

Artificial Intelligence

Learning & Recognition

      • Continual Learning

      • Incremental Learning

      • Data Condensation

      • Depthwise Separable Convolution

      • Face Emotion Recognition

      • Explainable AI

Machine Learning & Evolutionary Computing


      • Support Vector Machine

      • Genetic Algorithm

      • Particle Swarm Optimization

      • Ant Colony Optimization