

Production Number 2722

Filmed Tuesday 9th March 1982 to Wednesday 17th March 1982

Written by Steve Kline

Directed by James Patterson

Assistant Director Stephen Lofaro

Original U.S. air date 29th April 1982

Original U.K. air date 15th September 1982

Full Production Credits

Guest Stars

Ann Nelson as Mrs Berg

Bronwyn Thomas as Michelle

Royce Wallace as Mrs. Johnson

Signe Hasso as Frieda Grauer

Ben Slack as Store Owner

James Purcell as Wally Zawicky

E. Danny Murphy as Pool Player

Fame Dancers


"Hope" performed by Gene Anthony Ray

Written by Paul Jabara & Bob Esty

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My Review

I don’t know what it is about this episode but it just feels like filler to me and with Erica missing falls a bit flat.

Its okay but I don’t feel it really goes anywhere. There’s a bit of humour in Leroy and Danny buying the props but I’m not convinced students would have really been given the money to go out and spend in the first place.

Besides, the school has done so many shows in the past that they must have basic props like chairs and lamps in storage somewhere. (By the way where do they store all the props and custumes?) So I don’t think they need to go out to buy new things for every show. Then when they lose these new props because they are stolen and for them to suddenly say they’ll have to do the show without props seems a little bizarre to me.

Leroy's back story seems to have completely changed in this episode and I’m left a bit confused about Leroy and his Mum. Only a couple of episodes before in “A Musical Bridge” it looks like he’s been living alone for quite some time but in this episode they make out it’s only been a few months. However, she was no where to be seen when Willard turned up in episode 3. Are we to believe that only a few months have passed from the start of the season to the end?

When his mother does arrive for the dress rehearsal shouldn’t it be taking place in the auditorium and not in the dance class room?

At the start of the episode Shorofsky is complaining that teachers don’t have money for investments but suddenly has the money to buy Leroy’s Mum a plane ticket it all seems a little convenient as does the fact that the English class are studying Anne Frank just when someone who was in a concentration camp is at the school. I think the intentions of linking the story to the war are good but it doesn’t work for me somehow. Also I seem to recall that in later years Shorofsky mentions he was in the war but hear they make it sound as though he’d already moved to America, maybe I’m wrong but I will be watching later episodes and checking the stories are consistent.

I’m also a bit confused when Sherwood asks Lydia how’s it going having drama majors in the dance class for the show. They do this pretty often so I’m not sure why it’s an issue. Danny, Doris and Julie always seem to be in with the top dancers.

"Hope" is a pleasant song but not really a stand out one for me, probably because it never made it on to the albums it’s not one I know as well as the other song from season one.

Episode Pictures


Mr Shorofsky is reunited with a former sweetheart from Germany, Frieda. He feels guilty that he escaped from Germany before the War where as she was imprisoned in a concentration camp. Frieda helps Miss Sherwood's English Class appreciate The Diary of Anne Frank.

Danny and Leroy are left in charge of buying the props for the school production.

Leroy wants his mother to be able to attend the latest show but she can't afford the plane ticket, so the gang get together to try and raise the funds.

TV Listings:

Radio Times Listing

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