
Leveraging challenging DNA for wildlife conservation and management

My research group answers timely questions by tapping into information in the DNA that organisms leave behind.  

We do so using sophisticated genetic sequencing methods, some of which are newly emerging. Our foci are outlined below.      


Species from Feces: Biodiversity discovery, host and diet identification, and pathogen detection                                     


                                        Bat Species from Feces Initiative

                                        One Health

                                        Rabies in an Urban Interface

                                        Population genetics

                                        Mines and windfarms

                                   Biology of cryptic and endangered species  


                                   Responses to habitat fragmentation

                                   Responses to foundation species



                                    Non-invasive genetic samples

                                    Ancient DNA (aDNA)

                                    Environmental DNA (eDNA): water, soil, vegetation, air

                                    DNA metabarcoding

                                    Illumina sequencing

                                    Nanopore sequencing


                              Mammals and then some (birds, plants, microbes)