How we Operate


The following is the weekly process used by Fairweather Golfers.  New Members might not be aware that the Fairweather Golf League has been in existence for many years.  We have records going back to 1973 at Mt SI  but we have been told it started well before then.  So this league has a long tradition. 

Friday Morning

1.     This is the deadline for members to let the chairmen know if they are NOT playing the following Tuesday or if they are bringing a guest.   If we do not need all of the tee times, a note will be sent to Mt Si informing them of the release of tee times.


1.     On Sunday, the Co-chairmen will group the members that are scheduled to play that week.  If guests are to play, they will be teamed with the member.

2.     People will be randomly paired throughout the season except for tournaments.  Tournaments may have special pairing requirements.

3.     An email will be sent out during the day to everyone showing the pairings and tee times. 

4.     The side game will be determined so it can be included in the email.

5.     Note that most of the tee times start at 9:45 but there are several 8 AM shotgun starts on special occasions so watch for the emails or check the schedule for times.  Note you should be there early as we sometimes tee off early at the direction of Mt Si management.


1.     One of the Chairmen will arrive at the course and bring the Pairing board which will be available at the first tee.  This is the official pairing to reflect any last minute changes that may be necessary.  The board will be taken down before the last group tees off.

2.     Members should arrive at least 30 minutes before their tee time.  This is because we sometimes start earlier than scheduled and, at times,  need to adjust pairings at the last minute.  This also allows people to warm up so they are ready to go on schedule.

3.     Quite a few members meet for breakfast before the day's matches.   All Fairweather golfers are welcome to join.

4.     Members need to pay for their green fees before playing.   Punch cards for golf and carts are available from the pro shop and provide great value.

5.     There is a  side game.   The side game changes each week and is designed to allow more winners at all skill levels.  

6.    There is also a hole in one pool that you are automatically eligible for  each year .

7.     Winners from the previous week should pick up their prizes from one of the co-chars or their designee.

8.     Each group needs to select a designated scorer who will keep score for all members in that group.  That person is responsible for ensuring that one of the co-chairmen (or designee) receives the card at the end of the round.  Since there are several Steve's, Teds and Barry's, make sure you clearly identify all players.  WRITE LEGIBLY!    Scorers need to sign the card they are submitting so any questions can be addressed.

9.     Follow the rules for etiquette and PLAY READY GOLF!  See the rules on ready golf on the Rules and Etiquette page of this web site.  Keep up with the group ahead of you.  If you are eligible for playing the gold tees, try them out.  The members who have done so are playing better and have become contenders. 

10.     After the end of the round, feel free to stay around for awhile.  Many members have a drink or eat lunch.  Part of the league is social so this helps build friendship. 

11.  Again, make sure your scorecard is turned in.

12.  Be sure to have fun.


1.     One of the Chairmen will validate the score card for errors, maximum scores and determine the winners of the weekly game as well as the side game.  An email will be sent out with everyone’s scores (gross and net) as well as the winner and second place.

2. Golf balls will be distributed to the 1st and 2nd low net winners as well as the 1st and 2nd low gross winner.  During the season, each golfer can only win a maximum of three sleeves of balls (not counting tournaments etc.) so after the maximum is reached, you might just get an "atta-boy".

3.    You will be reminded to make sure you tell the chairman if you are not playing the next week (s).

4.     The scores  will be recorded  for handicap purposes into a software package called Golf LeagueTracker.  Handicaps will be re-issued at the beginning of each month.  Note that these handicaps are only valid for Fairweather golf league.  If you want to play other competitions, they usually require a GHIN  handicap.  You can obtain one via Mt Si (or other sources) for a small payment and record your scores from Fairweathers as well as other courses.  See one of the Chairman for your password to access your account Golf League Tracker account online.


1.     Several times in the season, there is a tournament.  There are different hosts for each tournament who will set the type of game as well as the pairings and rules.  They will manage the event and typically will award prizes for winning/places and maybe closest to pin (KP) or long drive by class.   These tournaments are a lot of fun.

2.     Near the end of season the Club Championship is played.  This is a multi week tournament series where your best 3 scores determine the winners.  The best net score becomes the Club Champion and the lowest gross score is the Low Gross Champion.  In order to be eligible to win the Club Championship or Low Gross Championship, you must have 5 posted Fairweather rounds.  See the calendar for the exact weeks.

Off Season

1.     We try to play all year long (contrary to our name) so we keep a few tee times throughout the year and send emails to remind people.  Many people are out of town but there are always a few that come out each week to have breakfast and moan about not playing – Actually – we play if we can.

2.     As stated, part of the purpose of the league is social so for years, we have had breakfasts every Tuesday before our scheduled golf .   Everyone in town is encouraged to join us