Hi, welcome to my page!

I am an assistant professor at the Department of Mathematics (Amsterdam Center for Dynamics and Computation) at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. 

My research so far focused on the study of the nonlinear differential equations, in particular, the normal form of nonlinear dynamical systems, versal deformation, and decomposition of the singular dynamical systems using Sl(2)-representation theory. At the moment my research has a strong focus on the study of the normal form and bifurcation of network dynamical systems of types feed-forward and colored.

Contact:  Fahimeh Mokhtari فهیمه مختاری 

Email: f.mokhtari/vu/nl

Office: 9A-59 (NU BUILDING)

Postal address: 
Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamDepartment of MathematicsNIEUW UNIVERSITEITSGEBOUW De Boelelaan 11111081 HV Amsterdam

Research interests:

Dynamical Systems and Representation Theory Network Dynamical SystemsNormal Form TheoryHamiltonian SystemsBifurcation TheorySymbolic ComputationsSingularity Theory

Recent and Upcoming Events (2024)


Projects and Preprints:

     Network Dynamical Systems

"Lie Algebraic Structure of Nilpotent Feedforward (Block Forms) Network Dynamical Systems"

Riemann Ellipsoid

Triple-zero Bifurcation



Student's project

Feel free to contact me if you would like to carry out a research project (BSc/MSc) in the direction of the Network Dynamical System, Bifurcation Analysis of triple-zero singularities.

  • Mentoring projects of first-year BSc mechanical engineering students-(VU-UTwente) (Spring 2022/Spring 2021/Fall 2020)
  • Differential Equation (ME-IUT/MNW-VU) Lecturer (Fall 2017/Spring 2020/Spring 2021/Fall 2021/Fall 2022, Fall 2023 (first block))
  • Dynamical System (AUC) Lecturer (Fall 2020/Fall 2021/Fall 2022)
  • Analysis II (School of Business and Economics-VU) Lecturer Feb-Mar (2021)


Employment History:



Previously: Co-organizer of the general math colloquium at VU Amsterdam

Research visit:
       16-24 October 202 Hosts:  Jesús Palacián and Patricia Yanguas 
     Hosts:  Jesús Palacián and Patricia Yanguas 
     Host: Jan. A. Sanders


     Thesis title: “Normal Form of Some Three-Dimensional Singular Vector Fields      September 2012-June 2018.
     Thesis title: “Normal Form of Hopf-Zero Singular Vector Fields     September 2009-September 2011.
     September 2005-June 2009.

Selected  talks:

https://www-siam-org.vu-nl.idm.oclc.org/conferences/cm/conference/ag23 (July 10-14 2023), Eindhoven University of Technology

Otranto (Apulia, Italy) (4-10 June 2023)

Title: Lie algebra of linear colored network dynamical systems
 University of Zaragoza (July 18-22, 2022).


Virtual talk, Title:  Versal deformation of L_4 problem. (28-30 March 2022)


Virtual poster, Title: Normal form for completely integrable triple-zero singularities

School of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Sydney (2-3 December 2021)

SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (DS21) (virtual)


Title: On the Equivariant Decomposition of polynomial vector fields