
Long Distance Trekking

Colombia is a privileged place with hidden and unique landscapes and walking routes. I just discovered that with my girlfriend (now wife) in 2002. That's one of the main reasons I decided to stay in Colombia for my academic life.


I started my long-distance trekking passion in December 2006 with Patasbravas (a long-distance trekking group rooted here in Colombia) just before starting my Ph.D. 

Fortunately, I have continued since then and plan to continue walking for many more years.


Colombian people are absolutely obsessed with cycling. Bogotá is a bike city, and the cundiboyaca savannah is perfect for practicing routes and MTB.


During the COVID-19 crisis, after a knee lesion, I discovered a new hobby: biking. My family and I enjoy biking in the city (actually, this is the main reason we don't use a car). I also like biking the routes surrounding Bogotá (Patios, Verjón, La Cuchilla, Arepas, Mondoñedo, El Vino, Choachi, Sibate...).

Now, I combine trekking + cycling + science.

Check out some reasons why a scientist should seriously consider practicing long-distance trekking: Ultrarunning made me a more resilient scientist.

Here is my strava profile: