Birthplace and Birthday: Naples, 10th of April 1970

Current position: 

Since 01/11/2021 Associate Professor in Paleontology at Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra of Sapienza Univesity of Rome 

Position at National Research Council (CNR) in Italy:

01/01/2021 - 01/11/2021  First Researcher at Istituto di Science Marine (ISMAR) - CNR of Naples (Italy)

19/09/2018 - 31/12/2020 Researcher at Istituto di Science Marine (ISMAR) - CNR of Naples (Italy)

02/0/2007-18/09/2018 Researcher at Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero (IAMC) - CNR of Naples (Italy). 


25/02/1994 - Degree in Geological Science, University Federico II of Naples (Italy)

2/5/1994 - 25/11/1994 - Master in Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing at Formez of Naples (Italy)

1/03/95 - 28/02/96 - CNR - European Science Foundation (ESF) fellowship, at Centro di Studio per la Geologia Strutturale e Dinamica dell'Appennino of Pisa (Italy)

1/03/96 -10/10/98 - Research grant, Earth Science Department of Pisa University (Italy)

1999 -2002 - Ph.D. thesis in Earth Science at Parma University (Italy)

26/05/03-08/03/05 – Post-Doctoral fellowship at Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero (IAMC)-CNR of Naples (Italy)

09/03/05-02/05/07 – Research grant at Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero (IAMC)-CNR of Naples (Italy)

Teaching experience:

1996-1997, Assistant professor (University of Pisa) of Prof. Paolo Scandone for the Curse of Geology (Bachelor in Geology)

1997-1998, Assistant professor (University of Pisa) of Prof. Paolo Scandone for the Curse of Geology (Bachelor in Geology)

2005, Professor at International School on Planktonic Foraminifera, (Oligocene to Middle Miocene Planktonic Foraminifera), University of Perugia.

2006-2007, Professor at University of Napoli Suor Orsola Benincasa, Mineralogy and Geology

2006-2007, Professor at Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie per l'Ambiente e il Territorio - S.T.A.T. (University of Molise) for Field Geology (Bachelor in Scienze dell’Ambiente e della Natura)

2007, Professor at International School on Planktonic Foraminifera, Neogene Planktonic Foraminifera, University of Perugia

Since 2012, Formal Board Member of PhD School in Science of Sea, Earth and Climate and in Fenomeni e Rischi Ambientali at University Parthenope of Naples (Italy)

A.A..2021-2022: Corso di Paleontologia per la Laurea Triennale in Scienza Naturali della Università Sapienza di Roma

A.A..2021-2022: Corso di Micropaleontologia applicata ai cambiamenti climatici per la Laurea Triennale in Scienze Geologiche, mutuato per la Laurea Magistrale in Scienza della Natura della Università Sapienza di Roma

A.A..2022-2023: Corso di Paleontologia per la Laurea Triennale in Scienza Naturali della Università Sapienza di Roma

A.A..2022-2023: Corso di Micropaleontologia applicata ai cambiamenti climatici per la Laurea Triennale in Scienze Geologiche, mutuato per la Laurea Magistrale in Scienza della Natura della Università Sapienza di Roma

National and International Recognition:

2013 Awarded of the National Scientific Qualification to function as associate professor (competition sector 04/02: Structural Geology, Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and  Paleontology) in Italian Universities.

08/11/2020 - Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale per Prima Fascia MIUR-Bando D.D. 2175/2018 SETTORE CONCORSUALE 04/A2 GEOLOGIA STRUTTURALE, GEOLOGIA STRATIGRAFICA, SEDIMENTOLOGIA E PALEONTOLOGIA. VALIDO DAL 08/11/2020 AL 08/11/2029 (art. 16, comma 1, Legge 240/10)

08/11/2020 - Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale per Seconda Fascia MIUR-Bando D.D. 2175/2018 SETTORE CONCORSUALE 04/A2 GEOLOGIA STRUTTURALE, GEOLOGIA STRATIGRAFICA, SEDIMENTOLOGIA E PALEONTOLOGIA. VALIDO DAL 08/11/2020 AL 08/11/2029 (art. 16, comma 1, Legge 240/10)

Elsevier Reviewer Recognition 2015 for contribution to the peer review process

Elsevier Reviewer Recognition 2016 for contribution to the peer review process

Wiley (Terra Nova journal) Reviewer Recognition 2017 for contribution to the peer review process

Scientific interest:

Fabrizio Lirer directed the scientific interest on planktonic foraminifera since his researchers at Earth Science Department of Pisa University for studies related to hydrocarbon exploration in the South Apennines (Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits), successively continued at Parma University for PhD and from 2003 at IAMC-CNR in Naples, for the Biostratigraphy of Neogene and Quaternary records of the Mediterranean area. His research on planktonic foraminifera is focused to improve the knowledge gaps on two main challenges. The first challenge is focused to use the planktonic foraminifera in Biostratigraphy for the definition/implementation of the accuracy of standard biostratigraphic scheme of the Mediterranean area and to contribute to the extension of the Astronomical Time Scale in the late Cenozoic. For this reason, he becomes Voting member of the Subcommission on Quaternary Stratigraphy (SQS) and of Subcommission on Neogene Stratigraphy (SQS), and Secretary of the Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy (RCMNS) and of Italian Commission on Stratigraphy (CIS). The second challenge is focused to use planktonic foraminifera and geochemistry performed on their carbonate shell in paleoclimatology and paleoceanography. The main goal is to investigate the influence and evolution of astronomically-forced climate changes in the late Cenozoic world and to reconstruct the past climatic oscillations documented in the marine records of the Mediterranean over the last millennia and their relations with the socio-cultural evolution of the Mediterranean area.

Author and co-author of about 94 scientific articles on national and international Journals (ISI journals), he is involved in numerous national and international projects.