Scale Project
Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis, CNRS, I3S, UMR 7271
Les Algorithmes Euclide A
2000 route des Lucioles
06900 Sophia Antipolis
email : fabrice.huet--AT--uniceD.O.T.fr
phone : +33 4 89 15 43 90
I am a professor (professeur des universités) at the QLIO department of IUT Nice Côte d'Azur. I was previously an associate professor (maître de conférences) at the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France. I am currently a member of SCALE, a joint research group between INRIA, I3S and CNRS. I am currently serving as a member of CNU 27.
I did most of my studies in a French overseas department called Reunion Island before moving to Nice for a Master and a PhD.
As part of my job, I teach at the computing department (about 230h/year) various courses such as Introduction to Algorithm, Parallelism, Distributed Systems...
I have defended my HDR, entitled "From HPC to Big Data: Models and Tools for Large Scale Middleware" on the 12th of February 2016.
My research interests lies in middleware for large scale distributed systems. I currently work on peer-to-peer overlays, Map Reduce and data stream analysis.
PC Members
I regularly serve on program committees for various workshops and conferences such as HPDC (2013, 2012, 2009, 2008, 2006), CCGrid (2017, 2013,2009,2008), EuroPar (2014,2011, 2009), IEEE Big-Data (2017-2013), IEEE BDSE (2013), MOD (2015, 2016), BDCloud (2015, 2014), IEEE SmartData (2017), IEEE DSS (2016, 2017)
I was the vice-chair of the ”Parallel and Distributed Programming” topic at Euro-Par2009 and the local chair of the ”Support Tools and Environments” topic of EuroPar 2011.
Invited speaker
2010 : First ComplexHPC Spring School, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
2008 : 1st EDGeS Grid training workshop & 2nd AlmereGrid Grid Experience workshop, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
2007 : Dagstuhl seminar on Distributed Verification and Grid Computing, Germany.
2006 : ASCI/VL-e school on Grid Computing, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Sept 2002 - Sept 2003 : Postgraduate student at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. I worked with Prof. Henri Bal and Dr. Thilo Kielmann on Ibis and ProActive.
Oct. 1999 - Sept. 2002 : Ph.D. student at INRIA Sophia Antipolis and Nice - Sophia Antipolis University, France.
Advisors: Pr. Denis Caromel, Françoise Baude.
Topic: Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Weak Mobility in a Java Middleware
Oct. 1998 - June 1999 : DEA (French equivalent of M.Sc.) studies in computer networking and distributed systems, at the ESSI engineering school, Nice - Sophia Antipolis University,
Oct. 1996 - June 1997 : Visiting student at the computer science department, University of Sussex at Brighton (UK).