WARNING : To access page 3 go to page 2 and go to the end of the introductory lines, just before the list of files.

The file AdvancedMicroecs2017SyllabusPetri contains the program, some lecture notes, and examples of possible exam questions, for the lecture course Microeconomics II that I have taught in March-May 2017. The file AdvancedMicroecs2018SyllabusPetri refers to the lecture course started in March 2018.

The files GELectures 5 and 6 have been modified (and I think simplified and improved) on April 20, 2017; if you downloaded them before this date you are invited to replace them with the new versions, which are the versions on which I will base my Microeconomics II lectures.

The files GELectures are synthetic presentations of the arguments more extensively explained in the chapters of MicroecsCritic located on page 2. The file PetriWhatCapitalTheoryCanTeachPisa is a lecture delivered in Pisa to the invitation of some Economics Master students there, who regretted that the topic of the debates in capital theory around Sraffa and Garegnani was not covered in their courses. It may be of interest to economists too. The 1978 paper contains on p. 250 a simple model useful to understand the logic of traditional long-period marginalist general equilibria, that I will illustrate in my lectures.