
10. Who Lives Where in Cities? Amenities, Commuting and Income Sorting, with C. Gaigné, H. Koster & J.-F. Thisse, Journal of Urban Economics, 2022, 128, 103 394, (WORKING PAPER VERSION); (Version with endogenous wages + Appendix) .

9. Cultural Dynamics, Social Mobility and Urban Segregation, with E. Bezin, Journal of Urban Economics, 2017, 99, 173-187. (WORKING PAPER VERSION)

8. Ethnic Gaps in Educational Attainment and Labor-Market Outcomes: Evidence from France, with G. Langevin, D. Masclet & E. Peterle, Education Economics, 2016, 84-111. (WORKING PAPER VERSION + Tables)

7. Dynamics of Social Norms in the City, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2015, 51, 70-87. (WORKING PAPER VERSION)

6. Heterogeneity and the Formation of Risk-Sharing Coalitions, with F. Jaramillo & H. Kempf, Journal of Development Economics, 2015, 114, 79-96. (WORKING PAPER VERSION)

5. Dynamic Regulation of Quality, with S. Auray & Th. Mariotti, RAND Journal of Economics, 2011, 42 (2), 246-265. (WORKING PAPER VERSION + SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL)

4. Inequality, Growth and the Dynamics of Social Segmentation, with H. Kempf, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2009, 11(4), 529-564. (WORKING PAPER VERSION)

3. Community Membership Aspirations: The Link between Inequality and Redistribution Revisited, with A. Desdoigts, International Economic Review, 2005, 46(3), 973-1007. (WORKING PAPER VERSION)

2. Conspicuous Consumption and Social Segmentation, with F. Jaramillo, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2003, 5(1), 1-24. (WORKING PAPER VERSION)

1. Inequality and Club Formation, with F. Jaramillo & H. Kempf, Journal of Public Economics, 2003, 87(5), 931-955. (WORKING PAPER VERSION)


Articles in French Journals

4. R. Brunetti & C. Gaigné, 2022, "Credit Market Imperfections, Urban Land Rents and the Henry George Theorem", , Revue Economique, 2023, 74(5), 681-703. (Dernière version avant publication).

3. Effets de voisinage et localisation: la ségrégation urbaine est-elle inéluctable?, with J. Ph. Tropéano & J. Ch. Vergnaud, Revue Economique, 2010, 61(4), 723-750. (Dernière version du document de travail avant publication)

2. Inégalités, mobilité sociale et croissance, with F. Jaramillo, Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, 2002, 65(1), 85-116. (LATEST WORKING PAPER VERSION)

1. Conspicuous Consumption, Social Status and Clubs, with F. Jaramillo & H. Kempf, Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, 2001, 63-64, 321-344. (LATEST WORKING PAPER VERSION)

Book Chapters

Inequality and Growth Clubs, with F. Jaramillo & H. Kempf, in Group Formation in Economics edited by G. Demange & M. Wooders, Cambridge University Press, 2005. (LATEST WORKING PAPER VERSION)