About me
I am a permanent researcher in the Dynafor research team of Inrae. I use models from community ecology and eco-evolutionnary dynamics to analyse species diversity data in mixed agricultural landscapes. My main ecological question relates to the relative importance of local habitat quality and habitat connectivity at landscape scale in shaping the biodiversity of saproxylic organisms, their functions and services.
I am particularly interested in the neutral theory of biodiversity and its application (i) as a null model to interpret spatio-temporal diversity patterns and (ii) as a basis for predictive mechanistic models. I am interested in merging different sources of information about metacommunities in my approaches such as (i) abundances data, (ii) species traits databases and (iii) genetic data.
I am currently the coordinator of the BloBiForM project. I am also involved as a task leader in the GAMBAS project and actively contribute to the PASSIFOR 2 project.