10.) (Outsourced) 3D Printed Ring - Concept Generation

Post date: Oct 23, 2018 7:39:53 PM




(Outsourced) 3D Printed Ring - Concept Generation

Tuesday October 23

Tuesday October 30 @ class start

Assignment Description:

We will be putting our developing Rhino skills to the test by creating our first 3D-Printable object: Rings. Rather than a traditional band or ring design, we will push ourselves - as well as the technology itself - by creating ring designs that would be difficult to produce by traditional manufacturing or fabrication techniques.

As a starting point, we will each be generating at least 15 concepts for our rings via a series of sketches.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) In your sketchbook, generate 15 or more different concepts for a 3D-printed ring.

2.) Include a number or letter next to each concept, to make it each to refer to them later on.

5.) Bring your sketches with you to next class.