Listed by research Areas
1.Comparative and Experimental Syntax
Negation and Negative Dependencies
Déprez,V. , Espinal, M.T. eds (2020) The Handbook of Negation. Oxford University Press
Déprez, V. , Yeaton, J. (2018) 'French Negative Concord And Discord. An experimental Investigation of Contextual and Prosodic Disambiguation. Proceedings ol LSRL 46.
Déprez, V. , Henri, F. (2018) . Negation and Negative Concord: The view From Creoles. John Benjamin
Frances Blanchette, Marianna Nadeu, Jeremy Yeaton, Viviane Déprez (2018) English negative concord and double negation:The division of labor between syntax and pragmatics. Proceedings LSA 53:1-15
Susagna Tubau, Viviane Déprez, Joan Boras-Comes, Teresa Espinal (2018). How Speakers interpret the negation operators no and no… pas in Catalan. An Experimental Approach. Probus
Etxeberria, U., Tubau, S., Déprez, V., Borràs-Comes, J. and M. T. Espinal. (2017) Relating (un)acceptability to interpretation. Experimental investigations on negation. Frontiers in Psychology. ISSN: 1664-1078.
Déprez, V. (2017) 'What is Strict Negative Concord ? Lessons from Creokes' in Negation and Contact: With special focus on Singapore English. D.P Ziegler, B.Zhiming eds, John Benjamins.
Déprez, V. Tubau, S. Cheylus. A., Espinal, M-T. (2015) Double Negation in a Negative Concord Language. An Experimental Approach. Lingua 75-107. Elsevier. Amsterdam
Déprez, V. (2011) ‘Atoms of Negation’ in D.Ingham, P. Larrivée eds. The Evolution of Negation: Beyond the Jespersen Cycle. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter
Déprez, V. (2011) ‘From N to negative D: charting the time course of the historical rise of French n-words’ in ‘The Noun Phrase in Romance and Germanic: Structure, Variation and Change’, Petra Sleeman, Harry Perridon, eds. John Benjamins. pp 257-280
Déprez, V.,France .Martineau . (2004) “Micro-Parametric Variation and Negative Concord”. In Contemporary Approaches to Romance Linguistics, Auger, Julie, J. Clancy Clements and Barbara Vance (eds.), pp.139–158
Corblin, J. Déprez, V. De Swart, H., Tovena, L. (2004.) “Negative Concord” in Hand Book of French semantics . CSLI. Standford University Press. De Swart and Corblin. eds. pp. 417-455.
Tovena, L. Déprez, V. Jayez J. (2004.) “ Polarity sensitive items” in Handbook Of French Semantics CSLI. Standford University Press. De Swart and Corblin. eds. pp. 391-417.
Déprez,V., Martineau, F. (2004). “Pour une analyse micro-paramétrique de la concordance négative” in Indéfinis et Prédications Francis Corblin, Sylvie Ferrando, Lucien Kupferman, éditeurs. Presses Universitaires de Paris-S Sorbonne. pp. 217-233
Martineau, F., Déprez, V. (2004) ‘Pas rien/Pas aucun en Français Classique’. Variation dialectale et historique” Langue Francaise. 143: 33-47,
Déprez, V. (2003) ‘Concordance négative, syntaxe des mots-N et variation dialectale’ Cahier de Linguistique Francaise. 25 : 97-118. Faculté des Lettres. Université de Genève
Déprez, V. (2000) “Parallel (A)symmetries and the Intrernal Structure of Negative Expressions” Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 18.2: 253-342 Kluwer.
Déprez, V. (1997). “Two types of Negative Concord”, Probus 9.2: 103-142 Walter de Gruyter.
Déprez, V. (1997 ) “A non Unified Analysis of Negative Concord”, in The syntax and semantics of Negation, Hirschbulher P. and Martineau F.eds, 53-74. John Benjamin, Amsterdam.
Questions and Quantifiers
Penka Stateva, Arthur Stepanov, Viviane Déprez, Ludivine Dupuy, Anne Reboul, (2019) Cross-linguistic variation in the meaning of quantifiers: Implications for pragmatic enrichment. Frontiers in Psychology, section Language Sciences. published: 15 May 2019 doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00957
Achimova, A., Déprez, V., Musolino, J. (2018) Structural asymmetry in question/quantifier interactions. In Katalin E. Kiss & Tamás Zétényi (Eds.): Linguistic and cognitive aspects of quantification p. 13 – 30, Studies in Theoretical Psycholinguistics, vol. 47, Springer, Cham.
Achimova, A., Syrett, K., Musolino, J., Déprez, V. (2017). Children’s developing knowledge of wh-/quantifier question-answer relations. Language Learning and Development, 1, 80-99.
Achimova, Asya, Staroverov, Peter, Déprez, Viviane & Musolino Julien . (2015). Pair-list answers in naive speakers and professional linguists. In Arkadiev, P.M., Kapitonov, I.S., Lander, Y.A., Rakchilina, E.V.,Tatevosov, S.G. (Eds.) Donum semanticum: Opera linguistica et logica in honorem Barbarae Partee a discipulis amicisque Rossicis oblata pp. 21- 35. Moscow: [Jaziki slavyanskoy kultury] (Languages of slavic culture).
Déprez, V. Kristen Syrett, Shigeto Kawahara (2013) ‘The interaction of syntax, prosody, and discourse in licensing French wh-in-situ questions’ Lingua, Volume 124, Pages 4-19
Achimova, A., Déprez, V., & Musolino, J. (2013). What makes pair-list answers available: An experimental approach. In Y. Fainleib, N. LaCara & Y. Park. (Eds.) NELS 41: Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (pp. 1-14). Amherst, MA: GLSA.
Déprez, V., K. Syrett & S. Kawahara,S. (2012) 'Interfacing information and prosody: French wh-in situ', to appear in Irene Franco, Sara Lusini & Andrés Saab, eds. ''Romance languages and Linguistic Theory 2010. Selected papers from 'Going Romance', Leiden, December 9-11" John Benjamin
Déprez, V. (1994) “Questions with Floated Quantifiers”, Proceeding of the VI th Conference on Semantics and Linguistics Theory 97- 113, Mandy Harvey, Lynn Santelmann eds. Cornell University.
Déprez, V. (1994) “Pair-list Answers with Floated Quantifiers”, Proceedings of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 13) 150-165, 1994
Déprez, V. (1993) “The Weak Island Effect of Floating Quantifiers”, University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers, 23: 53-79. E. Benedicto and J.Runner eds, GLSA, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Déprez, V. (1994) “A Minimal Account of the That‑t Effect”, Paths towards Universal Grammar: Studies in Honor of Richard S.Kayne, Guglielmo Cinque, Jan Koster, Jean-Yves Pollock and Raffaella Zanuttini, eds. pp 121-135, Georgetown University Press, 1994
Déprez, V. (1993) “The Role of Agreement for Government”, Proceedings of XI th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 148‑160 (WCCFL 11) Jonathan Mead ed., Stanford Linguistics Association
Déprez, V. (1991) “Economy and the That‑t Effect”, Proceeding of the Western Conference on Linguistics, (WECOL) 4: 74‑87,K. Hunte, T.Perry and V.Samiian eds., California State University, 1991
Déprez,V. (1991) “WH‑movement: Adjunction and Substitution”, Proceedings of the Xth West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 10: 103‑114 in Dawn Bates ed., Stanford Linguistics Association
Differential object marking and others
Déprez, V. (1998) “Semantic Effects of Agreement: The case of French participle agreement” (1998) Probus 10.1:1-67 Walter De Gryuter.
Déprez, V. (1996) “Agreement, Specificity and Impersonal Constructions” in Aspect of Romance Linguistics 161-175. Claudia Parodi, Carlos Quicoli, Mario Saltarelli and Maria Luisa Zubizarreta eds, Georgetown University Press.
Déprez,V. (1994). “Parameters of Object movement”, in Studies on Scrambling, 102-152. N.Corvert and H.Van Riemsdik eds, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin.
Déprez, V. (1990) “Two Ways of Moving the Verb in French”, in Papers on Wh-movement :MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, 13: 47‑85, L.Cheng and H.Demirdace
Déprez, V. (1989) “Stylistic Inversion and Verb Movement”, Proceedings of the Fifth Eastern States Conference on Linguistics:71-82, Joyce Powers and Kenneth de Jong Eds, The Ohio States University.
R. Larson, R., V. Déprez, H. Yamakido, eds (2010) .Evolution of language: the biolinguistics perspective. Cambridge University Press
J. Camacho, N. Flores-Ferran, L. Sanchez, V. Déprez, and Maria Cabreras, eds (2007) Romance Linguistics 2006, Selected papers from LSRL 36. . J. Benjamin
Déprez, V. (1988) “Complex Segments in Georgian”, Proceedings of the 18th annual meeting of the North Eastern Linguistics Society (NELS 18), 7: 109‑123, University of Massachusetts Amherst,1987
Déprez, V. Hale, K., (1986) “The Landing Sites of Resumptive Pronoun Objects in Irish”, Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium, 5:38‑47, Paul Jefferis and Williams J.Mahon eds
Altshuler, Daniel, Déprez, Viviane (2007) ‘Parenthetical Null Constructions in Romance, in J.Camacho, V.Deprez, N.Flores, L.Sanchez. Romance Linguistgics .John Benjamin, with Daniel Altshuler. John Benjamins,
2.Creole Syntax-Semantics Interface
Déprez,V. (2020) Plurality and definiteness in Haitian and Mauritian Creoles’ Journal of Pidgin and Creole languages, Benjamin
Déprez, V. , Henri, F. (2018) . Negation and Negative Concord: The view From Creoles. John Benjamin. Amsterdam.
Déprez, V. (2018) What is 'negative' in Haitian Creole ? in Déprez V. & Henri. F. eds Negation and Negative Concord: The view from Creoles. J.Benjamins. Amsterdam
Déprez, V. (2017) 'What is Strict Negative Concord ? Lessons from Creokes' in Negation and Contact: With special focus on Singapore English. D.P Ziegler, B.Zhiming eds, John Benjamins.
Déprez, V. (2009) ‘(Un) interpretable features and Grammaticalization. Historical Linguistics Today, Selected papers from the 18th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Monique Lemieux, Ferdande Dupuis, Etleva Vocal. eds. pp:83-98 John Benjamins
Déprez, V. (2008) ‘On the structuring role of grammaticalized morpho-syntactic features’. In Emily Elfner, Martin Walkow (eds) Proceeding of NELS 37. Booksurge LIc
Déprez, V. (2007) ‘Probing the structuring role of grammaticalization: Nominal Constituents in French Lexifier Creoles.’ Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages. 22:2, 263-307. J. Benjamin.
Déprez, V. (2007) ‘Implicit determination and Plural’ in M.Baptista & Guéron.J. eds. ‘Noun Phrases in Creole Languages’. pp. 299-336. John. Benjamins.
Déprez, V. (2006) “On the Conceptual Role of Number”. In New Perspectives on Romance Linguistics, Nishida, Chiyo and Jean-Pierre Y. Montreuil (eds.), 67-83. John Benjamins.
Déprez,V. (2005) ‘Morphological Number, Semantic Number and bare Nouns’ Lingua. Volume 115, Issue 6: 857-883
Déprez, V. (2003). “The Architecture of DP in French Based Creoles”, in 'Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2001’ Josep Quer, Jan Schroten, Mauro Scorretti, Petra Sleeman and Els Verheugd eds. pp. 49-74. John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia.
Déprez, V. (2003). “Haitian Creole se: a copula, a pronoun, both or neither? On the double life of a functional projection” in Recent developments in Creole Studies. D.Adone ed. pp. 137-173. Max Niemeyer Verlag. Tubingen..
Déprez, V. (2003). “Constraints on the Meaning of Bare Nouns”. in A Romance Perspective on Language Knowledge and Use, Current Issues In Linguistics Theory 238, Raphael Nunes-Cedeno, Luis Lopez, Richard Cameron eds, pp.291-311. John Benjamins
Déprez, V. (2001) “On the nature of Bare Nouns in Haitian Creole” in Current Issues in Linguistics Theory. D.Cresti. C.Tortora.and T.Satterfield eds. 47-64. John Benjamins
Déprez, V. (1999) “De la nature sémantique des nominaux sans déterminant en créole haitien” in Langues 2.4: 289-300. John Libbey Eurotext, Agence Universitaire de La Francophonie.
Deprez, V (1999) “Empirical quicksand or Empirical smokescreen?” Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 14:2. 351-357. John Benjamin, Amsterdam.
Déprez, V. (1999) “The Roots of Negative Concord in French and French Based Creoles”, in Language Creation and Language Change: Creole, Diachrony and Development,. 375-428, MIT Press. Michel DeGraff. Ed.
Déprez, V. Vinet, M.T (1997). “Predicative Constructions and Functional Categories in Haitian Creole”, Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 12.2 : 1-32, John Benjamin, Amsterdam. with M.T Vinet
Déprez, V. (1992) “Is Haitian Creole Really a Pro‑drop Language?”, Travaux de Recherche sur le Créole Haitien,11: 23‑41, Université du Québec à Montréal
Déprez, V. (1992) “Raising Constructions in Haitian Creole”, Natural Language & Linguistic Theory: 10:2: 91‑231, Kluwer, Dordrecht.
Déprez, V. MT. Vinet (1992) “Une Structure Prédicative sans Copule”, La Revue Québécoise de Linguistique ,22:1,11‑44
3.Language Acquisition
Dupuy, L., Stateva, P., Andreetta, S., Cheylus, A., Déprez, V., van der Henst, J. B., Jayez, J., Stepanov, A., & Reboul, A. (2018) Pragmatic abilities in bilinguals: The case of scalar implicatures. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism (Published online: 16 Jan 2018). doi: 10.1075/lab.17017.dup
Achimova, A., Syrett, K., Musolino, J., Déprez, V. (2016). Children’s developing knowledge of wh-/quantifier question-answer relations. Language Learning and Development. [pdf]
Achimova, A., Crosby, C., Déprez, V., Syrett, K., & Musolino, J. (2013). Which account of wh-/quantifier interaction should everyone adopt? A new take on a classic developmental puzzle. In Proceedings of the 37th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. [pdf]
Déprez V., Petra Sleeman, Hakima Guella (2011) ‘Specificity Effects in L2 Determiner Acquisition: UG or Pragmatic Egocentrism ?’ Selected Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America (GALANA 2010) edited by Mihaela Pirvulescu, María Cristina Cuervo, Ana T. Pérez-Leroux, Jeffrey Steele, and Nelleke Strik. 27-36.
Déprez V., Petra Sleeman, Hakima Guella (2011) ‘Specificity Effects in L2 Determiner Acquisition: UG or Pragmatic Egocentrism ?’ Selected Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America (GALANA 2010) edited by Mihaela Pirvulescu, María Cristina Cuervo, Ana T. Pérez-Leroux, Jeffrey Steele, and Nelleke Strik. 27-36.
Déprez V., Petra Sleeman, Hakima Guella (2011) ‘Specificity Effects in L2 Determiner Acquisition: UG or Pragmatic Egocentrism ?’ Selected Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America (GALANA 2010) edited by Mihaela Pirvulescu, María Cristina Cuervo, Ana T. Pérez-Leroux, Jeffrey Steele, and Nelleke Strik. 27-36.
Guella, H. Déprez, V. Reboul, A. (2008) "L’acquisition du trait de genre en français L2 ». Cahiers of the French Language Studies Association 14:1:25-45
H. Guella, P.Sleeman, Déprez, V. (2008) ‘Article Choice Parameters in L2.’ In Roumyana Slabakova, Jason Rothman, Paula Kempchinsky, and Elena Gavruseva, eds. Proceeding of 9th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition. (GASLA 9) with . 57-69. Cascadilla Proceedings Project, Somerville, MA.USA.
Déprez, V. (1995) “Sous-Spécification, Projections Fonctionelles et Fixation des Paramètres”, Recherches Linguistiques de Vincennes 24: Grammaire Universelle et Acquisition du Langage, 177- 207, Celia Jakubovitz ed, Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, Paris.
Déprez, V. (1994). “Underspecification, Functional Projections and Parameter Setting”, in Syntactic Theory and First Language Acquisition: Cross Linguistic Perspective, 249-273, B.Lust, J.Kornfilt, and J. Whitman eds, Erlbaum.
Déprez, Viviane, Amy Pierce (1993) “Negation and Functional Projections in Early Grammar”, Linguistic Inquiry, 24:1, 25‑67, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
Achimova, Asya, Staroverov, Peter, Déprez, Viviane & Musolino Julien . (2015). Pair-list answers in naive speakers and professional linguists. In Arkadiev, P.M., Kapitonov, I.S., Lander, Y.A., Rakchilina, E.V.,Tatevosov, S.G. (Eds.) Donum semanticum: Opera linguistica et logica in honorem Barbarae Partee a discipulis amicisque Rossicis oblata pp. 21- 35. Moscow: [Jaziki slavyanskoy kultury] (Languages of slavic culture).
Aravena P, Courson M, Frak V, Cheylus A, Paulignan Y, Déprez, V and Nazir T (2014). Action relevance in linguistic context drives word-induced motor activity. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 8:163. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00163 - See more at: here
Alice, Roy, Aurore Curie., Tatiana Nazir, Yves Paulignan, Vincent Desportes, Pierre Fournet, Viviane Déprez, (2013) ‘Syntax at hand: common syntactic structures for action and language. PLOS One.
Aravena, P. , Delevoye-Turrell,Y. , Déprez, V. Cheylus, A., Paulignan, Y., Frak V., Nazir, T. (2012) “Grip Force Reveals the Context Sensitivity of Language-Induced Motor Activity during “Action Words” Processing: Evidence from Sentential Negation.” PLOS One, (Scientific American Press Release)
Hoen, Michel, Déprez Viviane, Dominey, Peter (2007). ‘Do you agree? Electrophysiological characterization of online agreement checking during French passive sentence comprehension. Journal of Neurolinguistics. 20:5 395-421. Elsevier
Véronique Boulenger, Alice C. Roy, Yves Paulignan, Viviane Déprez, Marc Jeannerod & Tatjana , A. Nazir (2006) ‘Cross-talk between language processes and overt motor behavior in the first 200 ms of processing’. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.18: 10. 1607-1615. MIT. Press.
Michel Hoen, Myriam Golembiowski, Emmanuelle Guyot, Viviane Déprez, David Caplan, Peter F. Dominey. (2003)“Training with Cognitive Sequence Improves Syntactic Comprehension in Agrammatic Aphasics”. Neuro Reports. 14(3): 495-499
Nazir, T., Déprez, V. (2003) ‘De l’oral à l’écrit et vice-versa’.Numero Special. Les Secrets de l’Intelligence/ Science et Vie 222-223. March