
Universal Student IDE

for all compilers.

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The best IDE in the world for geeks. Help the child become a programmer!

"I'm looking for a tiny and simple environment for compiling small C / C ++ applications. I hate to open Visual Studio every time and create projects for one single file with 50 lines of code. An indispensable requirement, STL support. To have one on the desktop would be great. Thank you." - the newcomer.

"Dreams Come True!" - I.

Nobody knows how many good and useful programs never was written only because their authors sought make them comprehensive and ideal. And also, because a lot of talented people, at the initial stage of their prospective career, simply did not understand what happened with came across IDE. Which many exotic programs do not have. Like Microsoft Visual C ++ Toolkit 2003, freecommandLinetools, GCC, DMC, LCC, TCC, EIFFEL and many, many others.

It is not easy master a new compiler or programming language. Especially, if the language or the compiler is first.

Numerous IDE designed to facilitate basic difficulties. But often only create more. Most IDE are cumbersome, complicated, sharpened by specific single package and not migrated. Their functional is controversial and certainly overkill for a beginner, puffing above textbook. In addition, IDE erecting concrete wall of misunderstanding between the source code and final program, making the inexperienced blind and dependent on the development environment.

Such an anachronism of the MSDOS1 times, as fucking brain off endless sex with *.bat in style of Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003, freecommandLinetools, GCC, DMC, LCC, TCC, EIFFEL and many, many others, for consideration do not take at all.

But everything is fixable. Fortunately, an entry-level IDE can be quite unpretentious and very, very simple. This is such a transparent and laconic, universal IDE created by me, as an example in minimalist style.

Is it impressive? Nothing extra! Portable! Works from any folder and from any media. From now, You can not part with your favorite compiler, even when swimming in the sea. No *.bats anymore. Video.

Having created the simplest First Step IDE, I to a large extent managed to overcome the difficulties described above. Minimum functional set and division of the program into independent from the other executive and management parts, allowed to do the proposed product exceptionally simple, clear, accessible and suitable for any compiler that works with the command line, which majority. Really universal.

Tempting offer for the most sophisticated. Saves time and clicks:

First Step IDE is suitable for 99% of people who suddenly decide to learn program and do not want to delve into anything, except the pure coding and subtleties of the implementation of a specific language. This is our future and acting elite, future and acting professors, academicians, mainstream.

The same 1%, which still will cross the professors' & academics' level, sooner or later, with vexation for itself will detect that the pure console ANSI C application and operator 'printf', somehow not enough to become successful.

Especially for them, for these on-the-fly hackers and a rub(b)ers, in advance, another menu item has been added, allowing you to get output not only for the console, but also GUI, dll, lib, sys, bin, and in general, anything you want - make all. And also, was given a gift, the ability to instantly disable the default libraries of the compiler. However, in order to realize these opportunities, you really have to think, something, yourself.

Student IDE will allow full disclosure of most talents and Great Talents. But, among the hackers mentioned above, will be the 1%, wishing to become real masters. Specially for them, added Assembler, Disassembler, Debugging and everything for what I had the mind and imagination.

Universal Student IDE is already quite a serious tool. For all its simplicity and universality, is created on the outgrowth, with a margin. A strange buttons may not be pressed, yet. You will start them to use as you grow, in terms of knowledge, skills and needs.

Routine programming has never been so simple and understandable, as now. Today, the finished program is from You within a click. As easy assembly, disassembly and debugging.

Having thoroughly studied the compiler with which you work, you yourself can change the Universal Student IDE control files, reaching amazing results, inaccessible to anyone in the other packages.

At the same time, Universal Student IDE is ideal at the initial stage learning. For writing small utilities in weekend. For accurate and quick details in any projects. Especially if you face the problem for the first time and are forced to act in a series of successive approximations to the correct result. When searching for errors and optimization.

You are not connected in anything and you can fully and completely knowingly control the whole process of compilation. Up to the smallest details and the most incredible and unexpected options.

Now the main thing. Universal Student IDE costs $ 11 and is only available through Western Union. In fact, these are three control programs packed in one, with a steeply increasing functionality. At the same time, very simple. For all cases Student's life and on how much I had enough imagination, fantasy and mind.

Universal Student IDE will completely save you from the usual in such cases unnecessary tortures and will take your first steps in Programming easy and pleasant, like a children's game, as much as possible.

No try before buy is not provided. I am sure that the video and images above are enough to enable you to generally understand and appreciate everything. You create or choose My.c(pp) file. Then, automatically opens any notepad you like with the specified file. In my case, fully configured Uniqway_Poetic.

In the notepad you write the text of the program, save it. Compile, run. If necessary, correct errors, re-save, compile, run again.

In the kit you get pre-installed MSVC TOOL KIT 2003, TCC, MASM, HACKER DISASM, OLY DBG, Uniqway_Poetic and immediately can begin to fully program yourself, using them all from one control program. Of course, all listed programs are the property of their authors and no fee is charged for them. Each can be removed from the Package on the first squeak.

Why MSVC TOOL KIT 2003 and TCC? MSVC - the best, and TCC - the most liberal. So with what LCC32 will make your brain in hours, TCC will not even notice. But remember, TCC can not work correctly with ASM-inserts. Flight of fantasy, using the TCC, is necessary to moderate.

For example, such a simple sort of program TCC does not chew:

//RDTSCP cpuid

#include <stdio.h>



unsigned int a;


asm ( "cpuid" );

asm ( "rdtsc" );

asm ( "mov %eax, a" );

printf("%d\n", a);

goto b;


And this one, will. But it will not be what you are hoped:

//RDTSCP cpuid

#include <stdio.h>

unsigned int a;



unsigned int a;


asm ( "cpuid" );

asm ( "rdtsc" );

asm ( "mov %eax, a" );

printf("%d\n", a);

goto b;


MSVC and dmc will work both versions correctly. In this way, inline Assembler in the TCC as is, but at the same time is not. Well, what is it kind of assembler that does not see local variables? And written the TCC not yesterday. But this is the beauty of many free programs. Outside everything glitters. A bit of digging, and immediately shit climbs. And the missiles on takeoff in Pacific fall.

Paid compilers are not better. That's what you get for $ 800:

Well, tell me, is it worth to spend eight hundred? I wonder if anything else happens worse?

Of course yes! Who knows how to link such a simple program in Virtual-C IDE? The pope? D. Pawelczak, A. Baumann do not know:

Another tale about the fox and the crane - empty-handed.

Not far away and loved by everyone everywhere $80 PureBasic - the hope of nations. PureBasic is very good. Started with a half-turn.

But even in version 5.44, the menu "You & me" is beyond dreams. MenuItem ("You & me") - does not work. Compatibility compilers and programs, from version to version, not supported. Get the object file in PureBasic is not possible. Equals, as well as the driver. Limited license of the full version. Do not dock the built-in functions require a transition to WINAPI. Although the concept of PureBasic implies exactly the converse.

But, MSVC, without its endless libraries, will never cope with such a simplicity:

#include <stdio.h>

unsigned long long factorial(unsigned long long n)


if (n == 0) {

return 1;

} else {

return n * factorial(n - 1);






int n;

for (n = 0; n <= 16; n++) {

printf("%i! = %lld\n", n, factorial(n));


return 0;


with which both TCC and dmc will do fine.

LCC 4.2 still does not know anything about stdcall.

Against this background, the TCC + NASM + First Step Ide - perfect, versatile and compact alternative for WIN and LINUX at the same time. Especially if you deal with TCC inline asm. But this is the topic of a separate article with examples, as you understand.

Universal Student IDE is impeccable. But it will have to work for dump of MS WINDOWS. Therefore, the phrase "NO GUARANTEES" is more, than appropriate. For example:

Set PATH=D:\_My_\Tcc\bin\;%PATH% - working.

Set PATH=D:\_My_\Tcc_stud_ide\bin\;%PATH% - does not working.

Set PATH=D:\_My_\Tcc-stud-ide\bin\;%PATH% - working.

Set PATH=D:\_My_\Tcc- stud -ide\bin\;%PATH% - does not working.

Hence the moral, beware of "_" and " " in the path.

Another simple example. Link below the following program with msvcrt.dll. In the TCC, for example.


int main(void)


printf ("\n");



goto a;


Enter successively these combinations 1, 22, 333, 4444, 55555, 666666, for example. And now just press the scroll keys of the screen up and down. I think that the results will surprise many. Maybe I'm a "bad" tester. But nevertheless, it's better not to create the function of access permissions on the basis of getchar () from msvcrt.dll.

Suddenly, if some philanthropist, like Soros or Gates, wish to purchase Universal Student IDE and give it to all wishing, I am happy to agree. Ideally this will be Microsoft itself.

If combine TOOL KIT 2003 and minimalist version of First Step IDE, we get an attractive MSVC JUNIOR for Primary level education. Couple buttons of that will be able to enjoy even ten-years.

Millions of teenagers all over the world dream start programming in C ++, but a full-size IDE MSVC for them is too complex, not understandable and not attractive.

I'm sure that any normal software company wants to put on their compiler all the schoolchildren, without exception and make their compiler available for basic training and teaching in every educational institution and each classroom. Like this happened to Pascal in the former USSR.

Let's see if Microsoft able to take advantage of the best situation. Invitation to the collaboration already sent. By the way, all invited. If success, Universal Student IDE will disintegrate into three separate programs. VC_JUNIOR - two buttons, VC_STUDENT - three buttons and VC_ALL_in_ONE - all possible and not previously possible + updates request by you + open source. That will be use with any compiler. And Fame of Microsoft will shine through the ages!

All of the above, exactly applies to Embarcadero and the Ministry of Education of any country.

Let us return to the beginning of the story. Novice, definitely wanting get STL, looks, at least, strange. The thing is, that there is an SCL implemented in msvcrt.dll and there is an STL realized by someone, any way, and for someone who knows.

With msvcrt.dll, problems should not arise at all. And with STL still easier. You either drag your STL wholly to your the Compiler by yourself, if you can. Or throw a link to it in your Compiler, if you can. Or create projects for one single file with 50 lines of code in MSVC, if you know how. Or in two clicks implant Universal Student IDE in the heart MSVC / BCC32C - the folder 'bin' and get everything at once, and for a few seconds. Everyone is invited!

If you are a professor / academician, for one reason or another, are a convinced opponent of redundancy and consistent supporter of simplicity and clarity, you may purchase any of the junior versions of Student IDE by separate. On the same terms and with the greatest my pleasure.

Before finish. I want us to fully each other understood. To create projects, invented not fools and not for in order to complicate your life. Universal Student IDE is good, first of all, namely at the stage of training and study, when your research do not go beyond the redistribution of a single source text file. And about connecting additional libraries, you have never even thought. In many others cases, the possibility to create a project = make_file, also present in the Universal Student IDE, may prove to be for you not so bad.

But nevertheless, the idea, to get the finished program in one click, without leaving your favorite the text editor, fascinates. And for many will pleasant, unexpected and long-awaited find. Successes. :)

The best compiler is the one that will allow you to turn yourself / itself inside out. You will find the whole world.

(C) Oleg E. Tereshkov. Jan 2017. All conceivable and inconceivable rights, of this material and I set out here my ideas, are belongs to me. Any copying and plagiarism is theft, as you/we normally do. If you suddenly felt a great creators, critics, scientists and academics, you have this already as many as 35 years to fulfill your potential and manifest yourself in all your glory. What can we now?

And if set out here seems to you too simple, banal and sad, it is appropriate to recall that for beloved of all Microsoft, its remarkable leadership and all off huge state, thirty-five years was not enough to reveal to world very ordinary, normal file manager. It is not in any MSDOS, neither in any MS WINDOWS. Since WIN95 passed 22 years old, but in the notepad still can not be set the color of paper and ink. Well, at least, that's it:

And I understand Microsoft. Just in connection with violent competitive struggle, to the real needs of the user somehow not reached. So do not la-la. And then all are strong back/ass mind.

Even the Great Petzold, who explained everything to everyone, did not got the sacred simplicity, suggested here by me. One more, kind of like short mind. I do not believe...

A ten-year-old child, first starting with the Universal Student IDE, in 10 minutes in one click will compile and run its own first "Hello World". The same child, starting with MASM32, the next 10-15 years will be no avail to bang your head on the wall, while he himself in MASM32 will begin something to understand.

Pupils and students acquire Universal Student IDE and save many years of your already overburdened life. Everything is ready and waiting for you. The best, for learning, entertainment and instantly done work, you still can not find.

A few words about Bell Labs Prize. A huge thanks to Marcus Weldon for the invitations from the 13.03.17 & 25.04.17. What can I say. Proposed here the material is more than good to be awarded. And if done free of charge, it will increase the influx of recruits into IT industry 1000 times.

But the terms of the competition are completely unacceptable for me and better are illustrated by the following picture below.

Although, of course, Bell Labs can purchase Universal Student IDE for itself or for Microsoft on a general basis. Exactly to acquire, and not to receive, all non-exclusive rights to the Product, just because I suddenly sent an application for their a wonderful contest, as Bell Labs wants.

And certainly, I will not jump like a doggy, over a wand with arrivals, departures, higher education, presentations, Tax US and other, around the competitions, bullshit. The purpose of which is only in one thing - to deprive the applicant out of the desired.