Environmental Ethics

J Mikanowski, 'Wild Thing', Aeon, Dec 2016 (on domestication of animals)

Michael Specter, "Rewriting the code of life" (New Yorker, Jan 17; about altering genes of mice to combat lyme disease, and mosquitoes to combat malaria etc.)

De-extincting the mammoth (Guardian)

Ethical argument against de-extincting the mammoth (Guardian)

Interview with J Baggini on philosophy and food

McKibbon, A special moment in human history

Garrett Hardin, "The Tragedy of the Commons" Science, 1968 Widely discussed article. Explains basic dilemma of public v private interests, esp. re population growth.

Walter Sinnot-Armstron, "It's not my fault: Global warming and individual moral obligations"

2005 essay. Rather tediously goes through every conceivable argument for claiming that it's wrong to go joy-riding in a gas guzzler. Abridged version in Fisher (ed) College Ethics (OUP)

Battle against poaching in Indian park. 2011 article by Rowan Jacobson in 'Outside'

V. readable. Issues: Biodiversity v human welfare:

Michelle Nijhuis, "Bridging the conservation divide," The New Yorker, Dec. 9, 2014: short piece about disputes among conservationists

J. Franzen, 'Carbon Capture: How climate change has made it harder for people to care about conservation" (New Yorker, April 2015) [Rather rambling essay but readable. Theme = the difficulty and the merit of continuing to work for goals like conservation and biodiversity in spite of climate change, which dwarfs everything.]

Michelle Nijhuis, "Is the Ecomodernist manifesto the future of environmentalism?" (short New Yorker article, June 2015)

Shellenberger and Norhaus, "The Death of Environmentalism: Global warming politics in a post-environmental world" [longish essay criticizingenvironmentalists for focusing on small technical 'solutions' to global warming that thinking more holistically and with more vision. Seems a bit too critical of previous environmentalists.

"Why Americans lead the world in food waste" The Atlantic, July 2016 [Short informative article]

Brian Fung, "Organic food isn;t more nutritious, but that isn't the point" [The Atlantic, Sept. 2012]

Nelson and Millenbah, 'The ethics of hunting' The wildlife Professional, Fall 2009 [fairly short; OK; but rather general]

Nick- blog on 'Modern Hunters site: 'Food Ethics and Why I hunt' [Well written essay on why he shifted from meat eater to vegetarian to vegan to hunter]

Alastair Gunn, 'Environmental ethics and trophy hunting,' Ethics and the Environment, 201.

{Long article, surveys a lot of arguments re hunting; argues that trophy hunting is justified in some gases by economics and conservation. Clear, but v. long]

Sandler, "The value of species and the ethical foundations os assisted colonization," Conservation Biology, April 2010. [Interesting topic; family dry reading. ;examines arguments for trying to preserve species by recolonization based on different kinds of values accorded species and individuals.]

'The Value of Wilderness," article in the International Encyclopedia of Ethics, 2013 [lists 31 arguments for preserving wilderness. Useful, but tiring to read]

Roderick Nash, "The value of wilderness," Environmental Review, 1976 [Readable essay that gives a history of how wilderness came to be valued and ends with 8 arguments for valuing it]

William Tucker, "Environmentalism and the Leisure Class," (Harpers, De. 1977) [Historically important article. Includes detailed account of environmental resistance to power plant on the Hudson. Argues that environmentalism = essentially conservative resistance to change by people who the status quo privileges. Later pieces by Tucker may be shorter and clearer.]