Evidence for Evolution

Google Doc

1. What is evolution? After you answer the question, watch the video and answer the Edpuzzle questions.

2. Animation: Geologic History

a. Metamorphic rock forms at depth and is later exposed by ______.

b. What happens as sea-level rises?

c. Watch the animation, what does it show?

3. Interactive: Evolution in Action

a. Run the interactive 3 times, what happened in each experiment?

4. Common beginnings: When were the first one-celled organisms formed on Earth? What was the basis of all modern life forms?

5. Watch the movie and answer the Edpuzzle questions.

Demonstration: DNA replication

Interactive: DNA Workshop

6. After looking at the evolutionary time-line write 2-3 sentences about your observations.

7. Watch the movie and answer the Edpuzzle questions.

8. What are fossils?

Demonstration: Fossil Horse Cybermuseum

Activity: Dinomight

Interactive: The Fossil Record

Interactive: Riddle of the bones