
Published Papers

"The European Trust Crisis and the Rise of Populism" (with Yann Algan, Sergei Guriev and Elias Papaioannou), 2017, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2018, 48(2): 309-400, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 12444, EBRD Working Paper No. 208. [ VOX, WSJ, FT, FOX BUSINESS, Pro-Market and coverage]  

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"Financial Flows and the International Monetary System" (with Hélène Rey), 2015, published in The Economic Journal, 125(584): 675-698, NBER Working Paper No. 21172. 

"Purchasing Power Parity in Tradable Goods" (with Ian Marsh and Lucio Sarno), 2012, in James, J., L. Sarno and I.W. Marsh (eds.) Handbook of Exchange Rates, London: Wiley

Policy Papers

"The Great Recession and the Rise of Populism", 2020, published in Intereconomics, 55(1): 17–21.

Working Papers   

"The Origins of Commodity Price Fluctuations" (with Sarah Mouabbi and Adrien Rousset Planat)  [Le Monde coverage]

"Unpacking Commodity Price Swings: Reading the News to Understand Inflation" (with Dimitris Malliaropulos and Filippos Petroulakis)

"Financial Remittances and Gender Inequality" (with Dimitrios Minos)  draft coming soon

"Exchange Rates and Commodity Prices"   new draft coming soon

"In Quest for a Robust Model for the Exchange Rate: a Collective Approach"  (mimeo)

Work in Progress

"Are Commodity Markets Segmented? Understanding Cross-Asset Interdependencies Using Stochastic Spanning" (with Nikolas Topaloglou)