Meet the PTA

2023-2024 Wyman PTA Executive Board 

President: Kerri Manson - 

Vice President: Laurie Marchand - 

Treasurer: Kaylan Hulley- 

Secretary: Shayla Belanger - 

Bylaws Chair: TBD

Who Are We? 

The PTA provides a voice for all children at ET Wyman Elementary and connects families with school staff to ensure that the common goals of each are met. 

What does the PTA do?

The Wyman PTA works closely with Mr. Celio, and the adminstrative and education personnel to ensure that the needs of our students are met. Through our fundraising efforts, we fund most of the cultural arts programs brought into Wyman in order to enhance the curriculum and enrich the learning experience of our students. Additionally, we schedule the After School Programs, fund classroom field trips, supplement classrooms with both books and supplies, and create a little FUN for our students through community events and school spirit. 

Why should you join the PTA?

We hope that all parents will consider joining the PTA. We encourage everyone who wants to be involved to attend our bi-monthly meetings and volunteer in any way that they can. If you don't have the time, or can't make the meetings due to work/home schedules, we understand. Please note that a portion of your annual membership dues does directly into the Wyman PTA's general fund, helping us fund exciting programs for our students.

Sign me up!

You may join the PTA at Open House, or at any other time by completing the registration form found on the join the pta tab, and returning it with your membership dues, cash or check (made out to Wyman PTA), in an envelope labeled 'Wyman PTA Membership" and send it into school with your student. Or, sign up right online under the JOIN THE PTA TAB

Membership Dues

Please be sure to sign up online - the form is there to fill in with the proper information needed

Thank you.