
    • Richie Adams, Lothian & Borders Police/London Metropolitan University

    • Andrew Brown, Scottish Police College

    • Peter Carlin, West Midlands Police

    • Miranda Carruthers-Watt, Lancashire Police Authority

    • Michael Cunningham, Staffordshire Police

    • Cressida Dick, Metropolitan Police

    • Andrew Freeburn, Police Service of Northern Ireland

    • Eve Garrard, Manchester University

    • Judith Gillespie, Police Service of Northern Ireland

    • Natasha Grayson, National Policing Improvement Agency

    • Katerina Hadjimatheou, University of Birmingham

    • Jonathan Hughes, Keele University

    • David Hunter, Keele University

    • Al Hutchinson, Police Ombudsman Northern Ireland

    • Adrian Lee, Northamptonshire Police

    • James MacFarlane, Scottish Police College

    • Kevin Macnish, University of Leeds

    • Sheelagh McGuinness, Keele University

    • John McNeill, Police Complaints Commissioner for Scotland

    • Peter Neyroud, National Policing Improvement Agency

    • Stephan Popadynec, Staffordshire Police

    • Alex Ray, Metropolitan Police

    • Kenneth Scott, University of the West of Scotland/SIPR

    • David Simmonds, St Mary's Wharf Police Station

    • Stuart Simpson, University of Glamorgan

    • Philip Stenning, Keele University

    • David Strang, Lothian and Borders Police

    • Richard Taylor, National Policing Improvement Agency

    • Allister Thompson, Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency

    • Sorcha UĂ­ Chonnachtaigh, Keele University

    • P.A.J. (Jim), Waddington, University of Wolverhampton

    • Richard Wilcox, MDPGA Headquarters