Emanuele Tarantino


Professor of Economics


Department of Economics and Finance

Viale Romania, 32

00197 Rome (Italy)

Research Affiliate


Via Sallustiana, 62

00187 Rome (Italy)



Main Publications

Representation is Insufficient For Selecting Gender Diversity, with Justus Baron, Bernhard Ganglmair, Nicola Persico, and Tim Simcoe

Research Policy, (2024) 53(6)

Cheap Trade Credit and Competition in Downstream Markets, with Mariassunta Giannetti and Nicolas Serrano-Velarde 

Journal of Political Economy, (2021) 129(6), 1744-1796

Patent Pools, Vertical Integration, and Downstream Competition, with Markus Reisinger 

RAND Journal of Economics, (2019) 50(1), 168-200

Lending Standards over the Cycle, with Giacomo Rodano and Nicolas Serrano-Velarde 

Review of Financial Studies, (2018) 31(8), 2943-2982 

Bankruptcy Law and Bank Financing, with Giacomo Rodano and Nicolas Serrano-Velarde 

Journal of Financial Economics, (2016) 120(2), 363-382 

Vertical Integration, Foreclosure, and Productive Efficiency, with Markus Reisinger

RAND Journal of Economics, (2015) 46(3), 461-470

Conversation with Secrets, with Bernhard Ganglmair 

RAND Journal of Economics, (2014) 45(2), 273-302

Working Papers

The Impact of Alternative Forms of Bank Consolidation on Credit Supply and Financial Stability, with Sergio Mayordomo and Nicola Pavanini. Revise and Resubmit (2nd Round), Review of Financial Studies

Learning When to Quit: An Empirical Model of Experimentation in Standards Development, with Bernhard Ganglmair and Tim Simcoe. Conditionally Accepted for Publication in the American Economic Journal: Microeconomics

Shelving or Developing? Optimal Merger Policy with Potential Competitors, with Chiara Fumagalli and Massimo Motta. Revise and Resubmit, Review of Financial Studies

Credit Conditions when Lenders are Commonly Owned, with Mattia Colombo and Laura Grigolon 

Identification of Search Models with Social Information, with Niccolò Lomys

Market Segmentation, Information Sale, and Information Foreclosure, with Stefan Terstiege and Adrien Henri Vigier

Work in Progress

Algorithmic Trading and the Demand of Financial Assets, with Federico Carlini, Ivan Gufler and Francesco Sangiorgi

Networks and Power: Gender Effects of Random Selection Into an Administrative Elite, with Alessandra Allocca, Bernhard Ganglmair, Nicola Persico and Tim Simcoe

Wage Determination with Oligopsony Power, with Pietro Reichlin

Bank-Affiliated Mutual Funds as Lenders of Last Resort, with Ricardo Barahona and Sergio Mayordomo