
Research Projects

‣  MobiCity

General Chair

‣  International Symposium on Ubiquitous Networking (UNet), Casablanca, June 02-04,  2015 (

TPC Chair

‣  TPC chair at the International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications (WINCOM), 2015 (

‣  Track chair at the International Conference on Next Generation Networks and Services (NGNS), 2014 (

Organizing Committee

I am/was part of the 

‣  Organizing committee of the IEEE international symposium Wiopt, Avignon, june, 2010.

‣ Organizing committee of la conférence Francophone WINCOM’2010, November, 2010, Rabat, Maroc.

‣ Organizing committee of la conférence MAJEcSTIC’09, Université d’Avignon, november 16-18, 2009.

‣  Organizing committee of la conférence RJCP’09, Université d’Avignon,  november 16-18, 2009.

‣  Organizing committee of the first two éditions JOSTIC’08 and JOSTIC’07, Faculty of Sciences, Rabat, Maroc.

‣  Organizing committee of the Workshop on New Trends in Communication Networks, Faculty of Sciences, Rabat, 2007.

Other responsabilities

I served as a referee for several international journals and conferences, in particular :

Wireless communications and mobile computing, Wiopt 2009, Globcom 2010, ICC 2008, VTC 2008, VTC 2010, MAJEcSTIC 2009, JOSTIC 2008, JOSTIC 2009, DOCTISS 2009, WINCOM 2010...