I am an Associate Professor of Biostatistics in the Department of Statistics at the University of California, Riverside (UCR). Before joining UCR, I was a Postdoctoral Associate in the Department of Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases at Yale University. I have received a Fulbright award (2007-2009), an NSF/HHMI Scientific Teaching Fellowship (2017-2018), the Kenneth Rothman Epidemiology Prize (2018), and the Distinguished Alumni Award from the Methodology Center at the Pennsylvania State University (2018).

The main focus of my group's research is longitudinal and survival data analyses. Specifically, we build novel and flexible models that explore dynamic patterns, such as temporal dynamics, in the data and, thus, reveal the time-varying associations in real-life problems.  We collaborate with researchers in various fields, including aging, behavioral science, epidemiology, and nephrology. Currently, we are building collaborations to extend our expertise to spatial data analysis. Our group is funded by grants from NIH (2R01DK092232-08A1) and NSF (2029575, 2123444).

   Research interests
