Spelling Bee

La competición fomenta el aprendizaje del Inglés a través del juego, ayudando a que los alumnos mejoren su ortografía notablemente.

Dicho concurso consiste en una serie de palabras extraídas de la lista de vocabulario oficial de la Universidad de Cambridge (Young Learners Exams), las cuáles tendrán que ser deletreadas correctamente por los alumnos inscritos, previamente seleccionados por sus respectivos colegios. Cada colegio deberá seleccionar a uno o dos representantes, dependiendo del número de colegios participantes. Los alumnos que resulten finalistas jugarán por el título de mejor deletreador de Navarra (en Inglés), y ésta final tendrá lugar el 11 de mayo de 2022 en el Planetario de Pamplona a las 10:30 a.m.

- Spelling Bee Word List

See how it works

- British Council Speak and Spell

- Spelling Bee Games (easy)

- Compete with other kids on the Net

You can look for the meaning of this words in the online dictionary www.wordreference.com

It is VERY IMPORTANT for you to listen to the pronunciation of the words.

In order to study the words, you can use different techniques, for example:

- Make word cards: with cardboard, write one word on one side and its meaning on the other side.

- Yes/No boxes: Use two boxes to classify the word cards that you have made. If you know the word, put the card in the Yes-box; if you do not know the word, put it in the No-box. Study the word cards from the No-box and review the word cards from the Yes-box.

- Write a list with the words and repeat it for three or four times. The words that are more difficult should be repeated more times (like nine or ten times each).

- Write the words in post-its (those yellow little papers to write notes) and stick them in front of you, in the place where you normally study.

- Invent songs with the words and its spellings. Then, sing!

If you know or practice any other technique, you can share it here with your classmates.

Hey look!! Here you can find some interesting things:

Spelling Bee Word LIST