

Team numbers (randomly generated):

1: Outsiders

2: SocRob


4: Machinilog



7: everBot

8: UC3M 

The order for using the arena during the setup times and the  participation order for the TBMs are defined in the schedule

General information and inputs for TBMS:

This document describes the general information and input information needed for execution of the TBMs. 

Note 30/09/2018: Minor updates in the 1) Layout, 2) Waypoints of TBM4 and 3) movable obstacle of TBM4.

Referee, Scoring and Benchmarking Box: 

The RSBB will be used by the referees to execute the following benchmarks: TBM1, TBM2 and TBM3. 

Note 07/06/2018:  The RSBB client has been updated and teams need to pull the latest version of the client to be able to communicate with the the RSBB. 


The testbed network is to be used only for connecting to the Referee box. No Internet is available on this network.

RefBox IP: 

Broadcast address:

Each team must only use assigned static IPs:

1: Outsiders to 29

2: SocRob to 39

3: IRI@ERL to 49

4: Machinilog to 59

5: PUMAS to 69

6: HEARTS to 79

7: everBot to 89

8: UC3M  to 99

Time Synchronization

Instructions to configure your systems with the RefBox ntp server. Here you can find two ways to get it working:

1) ntpd:

If you have ntpd installed on the machine, you can use the RefBox IP as your first server in the servers list of your ntp.conf file as here:

server [IP address of your server]

Or you can synchronize one time with the command line with the -q option, as follows:

ntpd -q [IP address of your server]

2) ntpdate:

If you still have ntpdate installed on the machine, you may use it to synchronise with your server with the command line as follows:

ntpdate [IP address of your server]

Note: if you are running ntpd on a machine and for some reason still want to use ntpdate to set the time, you must use the -u option.

Command Generator for TBM3

The ERL consumer command generator will be used for TBM3 to randomly produce the commands.

Note 30/09/2018:  Due to the expected loud acoustic noises at the competition, the generator has been updated to also produce the QR code of the commands (See examples). In case a robot is unable to understand the voice command, the team can ask for the QR code.  If the QR code is used, the achievement related to the correct understanding of the command will not be given to the team. However, this will allow the robot to continue with the task.