Eric Nielsen

Principal Economist, Federal Reserve Board


Are Children Spending Too Much Time on Enrichment Activities? (with Carolina and Gregorio Caetano), accepted at Economics of Education Review

Correcting for Endogeneity in Models with Bunching  (code) (with Carolina and Gregorio Caetano), accepted at the Journal of Business and Economic Statistics

The Income-Achievement Gap and Adult Outcome Inequality,  Journal of Human Resources (2023).

Domicolo, Carly and Eric Nielsen (2022). "Male-Female Achievement Variance Comparisons are not Robust," Economics Letters, vol 220, pp. 110853. 

Batty, Michael,  Bricker, Jesse,  Briggs, Joseph,  Friedman, Sarah,  Nemschoff, Danielle,  Nielsen, Eric,  Sommer, Kamila,  and Henriques Volz, Alice (2022). "22 The Distributional Financial Accounts of the United States," in  Measuring and Understanding the Distribution and Intra/Inter-Generational Mobility of Income and Wealth, pp. 641-678, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Macartney, Hugh, Eric Nielsen, and Viviana Rodriguez (2021). "Unequal Worker Exposure to Establishment Deaths," Labour Economics, vol. 73 (December).

Cunha, Flavio, Eric Nielsen, and Benjamin Williams (2021). "The Econometrics of Early Childhood Human Capital and Investments," Annual Review of Economics. vol. 13, pp. 487-513.

Gallin, Joshua H., Raven Molloy, Eric Nielsen, Paul Smith, and Kamila Sommer (2021). "Measuring Aggregate Housing Wealth: New Insights from Machine Learning," Journal of Housing Economics. vol. 51 (March).

Nielsen, Eric R. (2017). "Human Capital and Wealth before and after Capital in the Twenty-First Century," in Heather Boushey, J. Bradford DeLong, and Marshall Steinbaum, eds., After Piketty: The Agenda for Economics and Inequality, (Harvard University Press).

Hortacsu, Ali, and Eric R. Nielsen (2010). "Commentary: Do Bids Equal Values on eBay?" Marketing Science, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 994-997.

Working Papers:


A Dummy Test of Exogeneity in Models with Bunching (with Carolina Caetano, Gregorio Caetano, and Hao Fe), RR JAE

How Sensitive are Standard Statistics to the Choice of Scale (Previously: Achievement Gap Estimates and Deviations From Cardinal Comparability) RR JAE

Identification of Treatment Effects with Bunching (with Carolina Caetano and Gregorio Caetano)

Bounding Treatment Effects Using Bunching (with Carolina Caetano and Gregorio Caetano)

Human Capital and Psychometrics

Test Questions, Economic Outcomes, and Inequality (Education Next Podcast), RR JPE-Micro

Is the Greater Variability in Achievement for Males a Psychometric Artifact?  Under Review

The Variance of Achievement Increases During Childhood 

Child Development

The Effect of Maternal Labor Supply on Children: Evidence from Bunching  *UPDATED* (with Carolina Caetano, Gregorio Caetano, and Viviane Sanfelice), Second Round RR JOLE

Labor, Inequality, and Miscellaneous

Why Do Workers from Low-Income Backgrounds Earn Less as Adults? (with Md Shahadath Hossain and David Slichter)

The Health Effects of Working Around Retirement Age (with Carolina Caetano, Gregorio Caetano, and Hao Fe)

Introducing the Distributional Financial Accounts of the United States (with Michael Batty, Jesse Bricker, Elizabeth Holmquist, Susan McIntosh, Kevin Moore, Sarah Reber, Molly Shatto, Kamila Sommer, Tom Sweeney, and Alice Henriques Volz) (Feds WP 2019-017)

The Effect of Housing on Fertility and Family Formation: Evidence from Russia

Information and Entry with High-Frequency Trading

Parental Investment, Skill-Biased Technical Change, and Inequality

Policy Writing:

Updating the Distributional Financial Accounts (with Mike Batty, Kamila Sommer, Alice Volz, Sarah Friedman, Ella Deeken, Jesse Bricker, and Sarah Reber) (Feds Note 2020-11-9)

How Do Children Spend Their Time? Time Use and Skill Development in the PSID (with Hannah Hall) (Feds Note 2020-5-26)

How Can We Measure the Value of a Home? Comparing Model-Based Estimates with Owner-Occupant Estimates (with Raven Molloy) (Feds Note 2018-10-11)

A New Measure of Housing Wealth in the Financial Accounts of the United States (with Hannah Hall and Kamila Sommer) (Feds Note 2018-09-28)


Identifying Causal Effects in Experiments with Spillovers and Non-Complience (DiTraglia, Garcia-Jimeno, O'Keeffe-O'Donovan, Sanchez-Becerra) (2021)

Latent Heterogeneity in the Marginal Propensity to Consumer (Lewis, Melcangi, Pilossoph) (2020) 

APPAM Session on Test Scores, Inequality, and Measurement (2019)

Disclaimer: The materials linked on this website represent the views of Eric Nielsen only and do not indicate concurrence by other members of the research staff, the Board of Governors, or the Federal Reserve System.