I am assistant professor at the Department of Computer Science and director of the Undergraduate Program in Computer Science at San Pablo Catholic University (UCSP), Arequipa/Peru, where I also served as Director of the Research and Innovation Center in Computer Science (RICS) (2020-2023). From 2019 to 2020, I was Postdoctoral Research Scientist at the Center for the Study of Violence (NEV) at University of São Paulo (USP). From 2016 to 2017, I worked as a researcher intern in the Visual Analytics & Comprehension Research Group at IBM Research - BRL (supervision of Rogério Abreu de Paula). I hold PhD (2017) and MSc (2012) degrees in Computer Science from the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science (ICMC) - (USP), São Carlos/SP, Brazil (advisor: Luis Gustavo Nonato). I obtained a B.Sc degree in Informatics Engineering from UCSP.
My research interests include data visualization, visual analytics, machine learning, and data science.
CV (pdf) CV Lattes MyCitations ResearchGate CTIVitae MathGenealogyTree
Media & News
Mapping the criminal factions activity in Rio de Janeiro during 2019 (link) (GloboG1-RJ) (FolhaDeSP) (FogoCruzado) (In Portuguese)
Evolution of COVID-19 in Peru (CIES) (LaRepublica) (UCSP) (In Spanish)
Monitor COVID-19 (TvPeru)(LaRepublica) (UCSP Press) (In Spanish)
Participation of Brazilian political parties on Twitter during 2019 (link) (In Portuguese)
CEMEAI researchers are awarded at SIBGRAPI 2017 (link) (In Portuguese)
Awards and Honors
2021: Honorable Mention Award in Computer Graphics and Visualization by "DRIFT: A visual analysis tool for scientific literature exploration based on textual and image content". 34th SIBGRAPI: Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images.
2021: Elevation to IEEE Senior Member.
2020: Best Papers Award in Computer Graphics and Visualization Category for "Mirante: A visualization tool for analyzing urban crimes". 33th SIBGRAPI: Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images.
2018: Finalist of the Brazilian Computer Society Dissertation Contest. The 31st CTD - CSBC 2018
2017: Best PhD Dissertation Award in Computer Graphics/Visualization at 30th Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images.
2016: Notable Scientific Research Award (PEIC) at San Pablo Catholic University (UCSP)
2015: Doctoral Colloquium acceptance at IEEE VIS '16.
2014: Notable Scientific Research Award at San Pablo Catholic University (UCSP).
2013: Best Paper Award in Graphics and Visualization Category for "Mixed Integer Optimization for Layout Arrangement". XXVI SIBGRAPI: Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images.
2011: Best Papers Award in Computer Graphics Category for "Projection based Image Retrieval from Class-Specific Metrics". XXIV SIBGRAPI: Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images.
Student Awards and Honors (Awarded to my students)
2022: Best Undergraduate Dissertation Award in Computer Science at San Pablo Catholic University (to Dany Diaz)
2019: Best Undergraduate Dissertation Award in Computer Science at San Pablo Catholic University (to Daniela Milon)
office address
Universidad Católica San Pablo
Department of Computer Science
Campus San Lázaro - Quinta Vivanco s/n
Urb. Campiña Paisajista, Arequipa, Peru
+51 54 605630 ext. 326
emgomez AT ucsp DOT edu DOT pe