Econometrics of Climate, Energy, and Green Transition

Advances in Econometrics is soliciting papers in the area of econometrics of climate, energy, and green transition. We are interested in papers that are innovative in method and/or applications and that showcase the relevance of econometrics for tackling global climate challenges. Possible subjects include and are not limited to

·  Econometric methods that address problems of physical modeling, interdisciplinary work of econometricians with climate scientists

·  Econometric assessment of economic damages of climate change

·  Econometric studies of the green/energy transition

·  Econometric studies of the relation of economic activity and greenhouse gas emissions

·  Econometric studies of the circular economy

·  Review articles


Please submit papers by Nov 30, 2023 by email to one of the editors


Tom Fomby, Southern Methodist University,

Marina Friedrich, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,

Eric Hillebrand, Aarhus University,


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