Football Analytics book 

Data science is an increasingly-prevalent component of the careers for many people in a plethora of industries.  Despite the substantial amount of information available to people wanting to learn the programming skills necessary to do data science on their own, it's often the case that practitioners prefer professional-development events like workshops during conferences and meetups.  

Since 2015, my friend, colleague and coauthor Richard Erickson and I have taught an Introduction to R Course for professionals.  We've delivered this course as a part of the Midwest Mathematical Biology Conference, the Symposium of the International Society for River Science, the Midwest SETAC Meeting and the Michigan Chapter of the American Fisheries Society.  

Past participants have commented that "The instructors were very knowledgeable.  The materials were very helpful in explaining general functions of R and providing some of the code required." and one of the benefits of the course was access to "Experts on R! Lots of time to work with our own data and troubleshoot problems with help."

Our most-recent R course occurred at the Midwest Mathematical Biology Conference at the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse, May 19-20, 2018.  If you are interested having one or both of us teach an R course for your organization, please contact me at

I am an instructor for Wharton Business School's Moneyball Academy, which was held online amidst the COVID19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021, and is now in person again.  I prepared videos for the students as they learned introductory R, and gave guest lectures.  

 If you have a daughter or son who is of high school age who is interested in sports analytics, please consider applying to Moneyball Academy or its sister program, Moneyball Training Camp.

In September, Richard Erickson and I released the first edition of our book: "Football Analytics with Python and R". This has been one of O'Reilly's best-selling books since its release. You can order a copy here.

This book is aimed at an introductory level - for football fans who want to learn some basic skills necessary to understand the analytics of the game, or the analytically-inclined person who is interested in the questions being asked in football. 

For additional R content, I suggest DataCamp, which has many terrific courses for people wanting to learn data science.  I teach an R- and sports-analytics-centric Introduction to Linear Algebra course for the platform, which you can find here.