
Peer-Reviewed Publications:

"Energy Efficiency Can Deliver for Climate Policy: Evidence from Machine Learning-Based Targeting," with Peter Christensen, Paul Francisco, Hansen Shao, and Mateus Souza, Journal of Public Economics, 2024, Vol 234, Article 105098

"Decomposing the Wedge between Projected and Realized Returns from Energy Efficiency Investments''  with Peter Christensen, Paul Francisco, and Mateus Souza, Review of Economics and Statistics, 2023, 105(4): 798-817.

"Mandatory Energy Efficiency Disclosure in Housing Markets" with Steven Puller and Jeremy West .  American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2022, 14(4): 453-487.

"Are Consumers Attentive to Local Energy Costs?  Evidence from the Appliance Market," with Sebastien Houde. Journal of Public Economics, 2021, Vol 201,  Article 104480.

"Asymmetric Cost Passthrough in Multi-Unit Procurement Auctions: an Experimental Approach," with AJ Bostian and Harrison Fell,  Journal of Industrial Economics, 2021, 69(1): 109-130. 

"Asymmetric Information in Residential Rental Markets: Implications for the Energy Efficiency Gap,''  Journal of Public Economics, 2020, Vol 190,  Article 104251.

"Social Comparison Nudges Without Monetary Incentives: Evidence from Home Energy Reports," with Mateus Souza.  Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2020, Vol 101, Article 102315.

"Are Home Buyers Inattentive?  Evidence from Capitalization of Energy Costs," American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2019, 11(2): 165-188.

"The Distributional Effects of Energy Building Codes," with Chris Bruegge and Tatyana Deryugina,  Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists,  2019, 6(2): S 95-126.

"Collusion in Auctions for Emissions Permits: An Experimental Analysis," with Dallas Burtraw, Jacob Goeree, Charles Holt, Karen Palmer and William Shobe. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2010, 28(4): 672-691.

"An Experimental Analysis of Auctioning Emissions Allowances Under a Loose Cap," with Dallas Burtraw, Jacob Goeree, Charles Holt, Karen Palmer and William Shobe. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 2010, 39(2): 162-175.

"Opportunity Cost For Free Allocations of Emissions Permits: An Experimental Analysis," with Dallas Burtraw, Charles Holt, Markus Wrake and Svante Mandell. Environmental and Resource Economics, 2010, 46: 331-336.

"Teaching Opportunity Cost in an Emissions Permit Experiment" with Dallas Burtraw, Charles Holt, Markus Wrake and Svante Mandell. International Review of Economics and Education, 2010, 9(2): 34-42.

"Price Discovery in Emissions Permit Auctions" with Dallas Burtraw, Jacob Goeree, Charles Holt, Karen Palmer and William Shobe. Experiments on Energy, the Environment and Sustainability: Research in Experimental Economics, Vol. 14. Eds. Isaac and Norton. Bingley, U.K., Emerald Group Published Limited.

Working Papers:

"Heterogeneous (Mis)perceptions of Energy Costs: Implications for Policy Design," with Sebastien Houde.   Revisions Requested: Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics. CER-ETH WP.           

"Do Consumers Acquire Information Optimally? Evidence from an Experiment in Energy Efficiency" with Andrea La Nauze. CESifo Working Paper No. 10335. 

"Incentive-Based Pay and Building Decarbonization: Experimental Evidence from the Weatherization Assistance Program'' with Peter Christensen and Paul Francisco.  NBER working paper 31322

Works in Progress (Title Subject to Change) :

"Long Run Effects of Air Pollution" with Jim Archsmith and Tatyana Deryugina

"Unintended Consequences of Time-of-Use Rates: EV Charging and Distribution Network Constraints” with Megan Bailey, David Brown, Blake Shaffer, and Frank Wolak 

Permanent Working Paper:

"A Partial Adjustment Model for Regional Demand by Customer Class," with Anthony Paul and Karen Palmer. RFF Discussion Paper 08-50.