About Eric A. Booth
Eric Booth has nearly 20 years of experience in consulting and applied research roles focusing in monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL). He specializes in complex study design, statistical programming and automation, and multilevel modeling. His publications span topics such as education policy, behavioral programs, and maternal & child health.
He is currently the President and Senior Director of Research at Far Harbor in Austin, TX where he previously served as Senior Research Statistician since 2019. He has previously worked as a Senior Research Scientist at Gibson Consulting, an affiliated researcher with the Southwest Regional Education Laboratory, and held a dual appointment at Texas A&M University as Sr Research Associate in the Public Policy Research Institute and Lecturer in Graduate Research Methods in the Department of Health Policy and Management (School of Public Health).
As a Doctoral student at Texas Tech University he earned all but his dissertation in Political Science and Policy Studies, a Master of Arts in Political Science from Texas Tech University, and a Bachelor of Arts in English and Political Science (double major) from Midwestern State University. Eric grew up in and around the ranches of the North and panhandle region of Texas, and he now enjoys Austin city life. He plays guitar with his band and escapes on camping trips with his wife and three dogs.
Selected materials
(2025) Booth, E. AI tools and applied use cases for evaluation. Invited Workshop given at the Texas Evaluation Network conference. https://www.texasevaluationnetwork.org/Events
(2024) Booth, E., Patrick Malone, Phillip Hastings, Jie Min, Holly Shulman, Lee Warner, and Ruben Smith. “Nonresponse Bias Sensitivity Analysis for the PRAMS Survey.” Submission to the Journal of Survey Statistics and Research Methods
(2022) “Nonresponse Bias Sensitivity Analysis for the PRAMS Survey.” (In progress; presented at 2024 AAPOR Conference, Chicago, IL)
(2022) “Level-of-effort Approach to Assessing Incremental Nonresponse Bias.” (In progress; presented at 2023 AAPOR Conference, Chicago, IL)
(2022) Malcom, N., et al., eds. “Supplement: Reshaping Contraceptive Access Efforts By Centering Equity, Justice, and Autonomy.” (editorial and statistical support) American Journal of Public Health: 112(S5). https://doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.2022.112.S5.S467
(2021) “Examining bias in school discipline sanctions: Does student-teacher racial/ethnic match matter?” Re- submission to Psychology in the Schools Special Issue
(2019) “AVID College Completion Project Comprehensive Evaluation Report” Prepared for the Student Success Initiative at AVID for Higher Education and Michael & Susan Dell Foundation. Accessible at: https://www.avid.org/cms/lib/CA02000374/Centricity/Domain/1038/Executive_ Summary_AVID_College_Completion_Project_053119.pdf
(2019) “Study of student FITNESSGRAM outcomes for Texas, 2015/16 and 2016/17” Texas Education Agency, Curriculum Standards and Student Support Division. Accessible at: https://tea.texas.gov/Texas Schools/Safe and Healthy Schools/ 1
(2019) “Minnesota Student Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use.” (Minnesota Departments of Education and Health with Texas A&M University). https://education.mn.gov/MDE/dse/health/ mss/
(2019) “High reliability schools: an analysis of a Texas Region IX school turnaround intervention.” (prepared for Region IX and the Priddy Foundation).
(2018) “Advanced course completion rates among New Mexico high school students following changes in graduation requirements (REL 2018-278)” Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, Regional Educational Laboratory Southwest. Accessible at https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/edlabs/regions/southwest/pdf/REL_2018278.pdf
(2018) “Annual Evaluation of Texas charter schools: 2016” (prepared for the Texas Education Agency). Austin, TX. Gibson Consulting Group. Accessible at: https://tea. texas.gov/Reports_and_Data/Program_Evaluations/Charter_Schools/Program_Evaluation___ _Texas_Charter_Schools/
(2018) Shields, J, Garland, Marshall, and Booth, E.. “AVID College Completion Project Comprehensive Evaluation Report Year 3” Prepared for the Student Success Initiative at AVID for Higher Education and Michael & Susan Dell Foundation.
(2017) Booth, E. “An examination of school enrollment and student withdrawal patterns for Arlington ISD schools during the 2015 to 2017 academic years.” (prepared for the Arlington Independent School District). Austin, TX. Gibson Consulting Group. Accessible at: https://tinyurl.com/aisdenrollm
(2017) Booth, E. “Arlington Independent School District Annual Student Survey Report.” (prepared for the Arlington Independent School District). Austin, TX. Gibson Consulting Group.
(2017) Shields, J., Booth, E., and Hoepfner, D. “Study of New Mexico Prekindergarten Participation Rates: 2008-2015 (ED-IES-12-C-0012 Limited Distribution Memo).” Washington, DC: U.S. Depart- ment of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, Regional Educational Laboratory Southwest.
(2017) Delaney, E., Naftzger, N., Liu, F,. Sniegowski, S., Shields, J., & Booth, E.., Texas 21st Century Community Learning Centers: 2014-15 Evaluation Report. (Prepared for the Texas Education Agency). Washington D.C. American Institutes for Research. Accessible at: https://www.air.org/ resource/texas-21st-century-community-learning-centers-2014-15-evaluation
(2017) Booth, E., Shields, J., Hoepfner, D., and Carle, J. “What Proportion of PreK Students Are Ready for Kindergarten? (ED-IES-12-C-0012 Limited Distribution Memo).” Washington, DC: U.S. De-partment of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, Regional Educational Laboratory Southwest.
(2016) Shields, J, Garland, M., Booth, E., and Shana Shaw. “Texas SUCCESS Comprehensive Evaluation Report for the Texas Education Agency” Texas Education Agency, Curriculum Standards and Stu- dent Support Division. Accessible at: https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth638711/
(2016) Shields, J, Garland, M., Booth, E.. “Charter Authorizer Accountability Report” Texas Educa- tion Agency, Curriculum Standards and Student Support Division. Accessible at: https://tea.texas. gov/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=51539612414
(2015) Marchbanks, Trey, Booth, Eric A., Carmichael, Dottie, Blake, Jamilia, and Allison Seibert. “The Cost of Exclusionary Discipline and Juvenile Justice Involvement for Texas Students.” in Closing the School Discipline Gap: Research for Policymakers. Ed. Losen, Daniel. New York: Teachers College Press.
Available (gated) at: https://www.civilrightsproject.ucla.edu Civil Rights Project - UCLA
(2015) Rapaport, Amie, Booth, Eric A., Gibson, Greg, and Andrew Swanlund. “Annual Evaluation of Open-Enrollment Charter Schools.” Texas Education Agency. Publication S-1961-2. http://tea.texas.gov/sites/default/files/Annual%20Charters%20evaluation%20-%20final% 20report%20-%20ADA%205.pdf
(2015) Booth, Eric A., Capraro, Robert, Capraro, Mary, and Jim Dyer. “Innovative developmental education programs: A Texas model.” Journal of Developmental Education. Vol 38:1. Accessible at: https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1071605
(2015) Adepoju, Omolola; Bolin, Jane; Booth, Eric; Phillips, Charles; Ohsfeldt, Robert. 2014. “Is Diabetes Color-Blind? Growth of Prevalence of Diagnosed Diabetes in Children Through 2030.” Pop- ulation Health Management. Accessible at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25290852
(2015) Booth, Eric A. and Nathan K. Mitchell. “Executive Type and Trade Protection in the 1990s: Where‘s the Pork?” Journal of International Relations and Foreign Policy. Vol. 2:1. Accessible at: http://dx.doi.org/10.15640/jirfp.v2n3-4a1
(2014) Booth, Eric A.; Marchbanks, Miner P. III; Carmichael, Dottie; and Fabelo, Tony. “More than a drop in the bucket: The social and economic costs of dropouts and grade retentions associated with exclusionary discipline.” Journal of Applied Research on Children. Vol. 5: Iss. 2, Arti- cle 17. Available at: http://digitalcommons.library.tmc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article= 1226&context=childrenatrisk
(2014) Rapaport, A., and Booth, E. “Results of the Arlington ISD Student Exit Survey”. (prepared for the Arlington Independent School District). Austin, TX. Gibson Consulting Group.
(2012) Booth, Eric A.; Marchbanks, Miner P. III; Carmichael, Dottie; and Fabelo, Tony. “Comparing Campus Discipline Rates: A Multivariate Approach for Identifying Schools with Significantly Different than Expected Exclusionary Discipline Rates,” Journal of Applied Research on Children. Vol. 3: Iss. 2, Article 6. Available at: http://digitalcommons.library.tmc.edu/childrenatrisk/vol3/iss2/6
(2012) Carmichael, Dottie, Marchbanks, Trey, and Booth, Eric A.. “Suspending Kids to School: A Study of Camus Interventions to Reduce Student Ticketing and Exclusionary Discipline” Report to Waco ISD and the Office of the Texas Governor, Criminal Justice Division.
(2011) Fabelo, Tony, Thompson, Michael, Carmichael, Dottie, Marchbanks, Trey, and Eric A. Booth. “Breaking Schools’ Rules: A Statewide Study on How School Discipline Relates to Student Success and Juvenile Justice Involvement.” Accessible at: http://justicecenter.csg.org/resources/ juveniles 2
(2011) Booth, Eric A. and Jim Dyer. “Establishing the Texas Healthcare Exchange under PPACA: Stakeholder and Public Input and Perspectives” Prepared for the Texas Department of Insurance and the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. Accessible at: http://tinyurl.com/pce2p3x(2011) Elliott, Timothy R., Phillips, Charles D., Patnaik, Ashweeta, Booth, Eric A., Naiser, Emily, Hawes, Catherine, James A Dyer. “Medicaid Personal Care Services and Caregivers Reports of Children’s Health: The Dynamics of a Relationship” Health Research Methods. Vol. 46(6): 1803-1821. Accessible at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1475-6773.2011.01284.x/abstract
Code & Methods
Software I've written for Stata, Mac OSX, and Unix is here
Stata SSC packages
(2019) Booth, Eric A. and Nicholas J. Cox. statplot: A Tufte-inspired approach for reshaping and visualizing descriptive statistics, including plots by category, in Stata. Accessible at the Statistical Software Components (SSC) Archive at Boston College. http://econpapers.repec.org/software/ bocbocode/S457248.htm.
(2017) Booth, Eric A. nearmrg: A Stata module to provide nearest-match merging of datasets. nearmrg performs nearest match merging of two datasets. Accessible at the Statistical Software Com- ponents (SSC) Archive at Boston College. http://econpapers.repec.org/software/bocbocode/ s434901.htm.3
(2013) Booth,EricA.mlmrsquared: Post-estimationofproportionalreductioninvarianceexplained for 2-Level random slope and random intercept multilevel (ML) models.
(2010) Booth, Eric A.. ralpha: A Stata function to generate randomized strings. Accessible at the Statistical Software Components (SSC) Archive at Boston College. http://econpapers.repec.org/ software/bocbocode/s457277.htm.
(2010) Booth, Eric A.. obsdiff: A Stata package to identify differences within variables and across observations. Accessible at the Statistical Software Components (SSC) Archive at Boston College. http://econpapers.repec.org/software/bocbocode/s457272.htm.
Other online work:
Ado-files for Stata
My Statalist Postings [also here]
My /research-notes posts