BR1: The COUNTER Book Report 1, which provides the number of successful e-book title requests (this report is provided only when an entire book is provided as a single file; otherwise BR2 is used).

BR2: The COUNTER Book Report 2, which provides the number of successful e-book section requests.

COUNTER: An international standard designed to count the use of an electronic resource in a systematic way, so that the use of e-content from one provider may be compared to the use from another provider.

Database: An online resource that has updating components and has an embedded search function to discover content housed in that system.

DB1: The COUNTER Database Report 1, which provides the total searches, result clicks, and record views by month by database. In this dashboard we report only total searches.

e-book: An electronic book, typically published as a single entity.

e-journal: An electronic journal, typically published in volumes and issues.

FY: Short-hand for ‘fiscal year.’ LMU’s fiscal year is from June 1-May 30. Our statistics are gathered in fiscal year rather than calendar year for reporting purposes.

IP: The majority of our electronic resources are authenticated via IP (Internet Protocol) address. If a patron is within the IP range of LMU they will automatically be connected to our electronic resources. A patron outside of the IP range will be prompted to enter authentication details through the proxy server.

JR1: The COUNTER Journal Report 1, which provides the number of full-text requests of articles in a journal.

MR1: The COUNTER Multimedia Report 1, which provides the number of successful full multimedia content unit requests by month and collection. In this dashboard we report MR1 only for video resources.

PR1: The COUNTER Platform Report 1, which provides the total searches, result clicks, and record views by month by platform. In this dashboard we report only total searches, included in the Databases tab statistics.

Proxy server: A system that checks and verifies if a patron is allowed to access an electronic resource.