Research / Судалгаа
Peer-reviewed journal articles:
12. D. Lkhagvasuren & E. Bataa. 2023. Finite-state Markov chains with flexible distributions. Computational Economics 61, 611-644
11. Б. Эрдэнэбат. 2022. 2030 он хүртэлх Монгол Улсын цахилгааны эрэлт, их, бага ачааллын прогноз. (Forecasting electricity demand, and peak and base consumptions in Mongolia up until 2030). Economics: Theory and Practice 35, 27-48
10. Б. Эрдэнэбат, Б. Соёлмаа. 2021. Ковид-19 цар тахлын үеийн эдийн засгийн нөхцөл байдал, үзүүлэх нөлөө, хариу арга хэмжээний саналууд (The state of the economy during COVID-19, its impact and possible policy responses). New Mirror 82, B11-22
9. Б. Эрдэнэбат. 2020. Монгол эдийн засагчид, эдийн засгийн байгууллагуудын чансаа (Ranking of Mongolian economists and economic institutions), Economics: Theory and Practice 34, 2-35, data, code, JEL, YouTube
8. Б. Эрдэнэбат. 2020. Эдийн засгийн докторын диссертацын нэгдсэн сан. (Database of economics doctorate dissertations by Mongolians), Economics: Theory and Practice 34, 70-100, data
7. E. Bataa, Vivian, A. & Wohar, M. 2019. Changes in the relationship between short-term interest rate, inflation and growth: Evidence from the UK, 1820-2014. Bulletin of Economic Research 71(4), 616-640, pdf
6. E. Bataa. 2019. Growth and inflation regimes in the Greater Tumen Initiative area. Northeast Asian Economic Review 7(1), 15-29, (open access)
5. E. Bataa, Osborn, D.R. & Sensier, M. 2018. China's increasing global influence: Changes in international growth spillovers. Economic Modelling 74, 194-206, (open access)
4. E. Bataa & Park. C. 2017. Is the recent low oil price attributable to the shale revolution? Energy Economics 67, 72-82, pdf
3. E. Bataa, Izzeldin, M. & Osborn, D.R. 2016. Changes in the global oil market. Energy Economics 56, 161-176. replication files (дуурайлган хийх файлууд), pdf
2. E. Bataa, Osborn, D.R., Sensier, M. & van Dijk, D. 2014. Identifying changes in mean, seasonality, persistence & volatility for G7 & Euro area inflation. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 76(3), 360-388, replication files, pdf
1. E. Bataa, Osborn, D.R., Sensier, M. & van Dijk, D. 2013. Structural breaks in the international dynamics of inflation. The Review of Economics and Statistics 95(2), 646-659, replication files, pdf
Working papers:
12. Б. Эрдэнэбат, 2022. Ерөнхийлөгчийн нэрэмжит бакалаврын тэтгэлэгт хөтөлбөр, эдийн засгийн төлөвлөлт болон алдагдах гэж буй боломж (Presidential undergraduate scholarship program, central planning and the opportunities about to be lost) (in Mongolian).
11. E. Bataa, 2021. On the Feasibility of FTA between the Kingdom of Cambodia and Mongolia (Камбож, Монголын чөлөөт худалдааны хэлэлцээрээс хүлээх худалдааны эргэлтийн үнэлгээ). slides (товч танилцуулга), Youtube бичлэг
10. Б. Эрдэнэбат, 2012. Монгол улсын макро эдийн засгийн үзүүлэлтүүдийн бүтцэд гарч буй өөрчлөлтүүд (Structural changes in the components of Mongolian macroeconomic aggregates).
9. Б. Эрдэнэбат, 2012. Филипсын муруй ба Монгол (Phillips curve and Mongolia).
8. E. Bataa, 2012. The Composite Leading Indicator of Mongolia.
7. E. Bataa, 2012. Macroeconomic risks of Mongolia and ways to mitigate them. Economic Research Institute Working Paper, National University of Mongolia.
6. Б. Эрдэнэбат, 2011. Газрын тосны цочрол ба Монгол. (Oil shock and Mongolia). Эксел дээрх тоо мэдээл, data;
5. Б. Эрдэнэбат, 2009. Байгалийн баялагийн хараал ба Монгол: Монгол минь чи хаашаа л яваад байна даа? (Resource curse and Mongolia. Where are you heading my dear Mongolia?)
4. E. Bataa, Osborn, D.R. & Kim, D.H. 2007. New evidence on the expectations theory in the UK term structure. CGBCR Discussion Paper Series, No.83. The University of Manchester.
3. E. Bataa, Osborn, D.R. & Kim, D.H. 2007. Does spread really predict future shorter rate? Explaining empirical anomalies. CGBCR Discussion Paper Series, No.84. The University of Manchester.
2. E. Bataa, Osborn, D.R. & Kim, D.H. 2007. Further examination of the expectations hypothesis for the term structure. CGBCR Discussion Paper Series, No.72. The University of Manchester.
1. E. Bataa, Osborn, D.R. & Kim, D.H. 2006. Expectations hypothesis tests in the presence of model uncertainty. Discussion Paper 0703, Korea University
1. E. Bataa. 2017. Time Series Econometrics (in Mongolian). Admon Publishing House
PhD Thesis:
E. Bataa. 2006. Three essays on the expectations theory of term structure of interest rates . Papers grew out of the thesis chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4 (supervisor: Prof. D.R. Osborn & Prof. D.H. Kim; external examiner: Prof. L. Sarno)
4. Б. Эрдэнэбат. 2022. Редакторын зурвас (Editor's foreword). Economics: Theory and Practice 35, 1-4,
3. Б. Эрдэнэбат. 2020. Редакторын зурвас (Editor's foreword). Economics: Theory and Practice 34, 1-2,
2. E. Bataa, Comments on Dynamics of real exchange rates and the Taylor rule: relative importance of risk-premium shocks and monetary shocks. Asian Economic Outlook and Policy Challenges, Asiatic Research Institute, Seoul, 14 Dec. 2015
1. E. Bataa, 2010. Impacts of oil shocks: Implications for GCC Economies. Commissioned by the Gulf One Lancaster Center for Economic Research. Lancaster University Management School
Work in Progress (хийгдэж байгаа ажлууд):
1. E. Bataa. Breaks in the variability and comovement of commodity prices.
2. E. Bataa. Greater Tumen Initiative countries' business cycle affiliation [ppt], preleminary version
3. E. Bataa & S. Batbekh, Climate change and global inflation seasonality, preliminary version, ppt
4. S. Batbekh & E. Bataa, Gendered visibility of Mongolian economists
5. Б. Эрдэнэбат, Эдийн засгийн монгол доктор гэж хэн бэ? (Who is the Mongolian economics doctorate holder?), YouTube
Монголтой холбоотой сонирхолтой статистикууд: