
We are a small self-funded non-profit making organisation set up some 10 years ago to provide support for people with long-term chronic health conditions in the Bradford and Airedale areas. We currently have some 50+ active members and have a committee of 8 (as required by our Constitution). Every committee member is non-paid voluntary.

Originally the Support Group was set up by our current Chairperson, Mrs Vera Camplin and Mrs. Maggie Chilvers, volunteer tutors of the Expert Patient Programme, with the assistance of the Primary Care Trust who funded the hire of a meeting room and the refreshments provided. Following the withdrawal of this ‘financial’ support some 3 years ago the members agreed they wanted the Support Group to continue on a self-funding, non-operating profit basis for which a new Constitution was formed and membership was opened to anyone over the age of 18 who has completed the Expert Patient Programme or who has a long term chronic health condition.

The main aim of the group is to continue to promote self-management techniques from the course; to provide whatever support is required for members; to make them feel less alone, not to be isolated by their conditions; to meet with fellow suffers of those same conditions. We share each others problems, have a laugh and sometimes shed a tear. It is not meant to replace but to compliment the health-care treatment being provided to the individuals and although new programme courses are severely restricted in the current economic climate the support of some professionals in recommending the Group is very encouraging. By nature of the group the majority of members are 60 years old plus although we do have a few younger members. However, it is fair to say that in a lot of cases these meetings are one of the very few times members get to socialise with others who share the common bond of a long term health conditions and disabilities. Conditions such as, but not exclusively, Diabetes, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, COPD, Asthmatic, Epilepsy, Heart Problems etc..

We meet twice monthly at Shipley Library usually one meeting on a Monday afternoon and one meeting on a Thursday afternoon. See Meeting Calendar for dates.