2024 Spring Cherry Blossom of UNIST

2024 Graduation in UNIST 

Congratulation! Dr. Lee and Dr. Jeon

2023 September KSBB Fall Conference in Pusan

2023 July C1 gas refinery symposium at Phenix of Pyong Chang 

After performance of Eleni!

Barbecue party at Glamping

2023 April UNIST Guest (NREL, BOTTLE CEO, Dr. Gregg Beckham) for collaboration with UNIST SMILE ERC (plastic up-cycling, biomass refinery) (Welcome!)

2023 UNIST Spring (Wow! Cherry Blossom)

2023 겨울 생물화공심포지엄 (홍천비발디파크) 

2022 Nov. UNIST visit (LanzaTech CSO and Founder, Dr. Sean Simpson) 

2022 Summer Graduation (Congratulation! 백희연/Zhibeck) 

2022 C1 gas refinery symposium (Goseong, Gangwon Province)

2022 KSBB Spring Meeting and International Symposium (Daejeon, `22.04.13 - `22.04.15)

2022 Spring, Cherry blossom in UNIST

Recent Farewell party for Dr. Khan since he became a professor in India at his home university


Recent C1 Gas Workshop in 2018

2017, Lab in UNIST

2015 KSBB in Yeosu 

2014, Cherry blossom