University of Tennessee


Round 1 (International Applicants)

Application deadline: February 1, 2010


1. Why have you decided to enter an MBA program? Why have you decided to apply to the UT MBA Program in

particular? How does the pursuit of the UT MBA fit into your career goals–both short and long term?

2. Evaluate a recent experience that required the use of your leadership skills.What effect has the experience had on your

personal and professional development?

3. The UT MBA Program supports the idea that studying in a group enhances the learning experience for each person in

the group. What attributes or skills do you possess that would help you make a meaningful contribution to your

classmates’ educational experiences in this kind of environment? What weaknesses would you like the group to help

you overcome?

4. Describe your three most substantial accomplishments and explain why you view them as such.


Two letters of recommendation



MBA Program Office

504 Haslam Business Building

The University of Tennessee

Knoxville, TN 37996-4150

Telephone: (865) 974-5033

Web site:

Electronic application: