P H O T O E X H I B I T I O N An eye on traditional potters’ wheel-throwing skills

Tuesday 3rd March – Tuesday 7th April 2020 University College London - South Cloisters

This exhibition is the result of international research by Enora Gandon at the UCL Institute of Archaeology. Taking the skill of wheel-throwing as a model study, this project aims to understand the process of cultural learning, as these skills are passed down from generation to generation. The images in this exhibition look to capture this process and the people involved.

The innovative and challenging aspect of this work is particularly notable in the methodological approach of field experiments allowing for reallistic data recording and statistical test of theorical hypotheses.

The photographs come from studies in Nepal (Bhaktapur, Kathmandu district), Thailand (Muangkung, Chan Mai district), and Palestinian territories (Hebron). The daily craftmanship activities - run by potters of several generations - are illustrated through different steps of pottery production.

The photographic panels will be available at the end of the exhibition.

If you are interested in any of them, please contact me (e.gandon@ucl.ac.uk).