Fall Rally

Come join us for fun, fellowship and service at our annual Carolinas District Fall Rally at Carowinds!!

When: Sunday, October 9, 2022

Where: Carowinds

How much:

Details: Checks MUST be made out to Kiwanis Club of Raleigh. This a Kiwanis sponsored event and field trip, therefore DO NOT write checks to Enloe Key Club. Turn money and forms in on Monday, Sept. 23 and Thursday the 26th at 2:30 in Mrs. Tojo's room 624 where a member of Kiwanis will be to collect and receipt your registration. There will be a bus sign up after we have the final numbers of members registered, and more information will be emailed out regarding transportation and the days events.

Forms: Carowinds permission forms (print ALL forms and bring them when you pay)

Bus sign up: If you paid and turned in your forms make sure you sign up to ride a bus with a buddy HERE

Sign up for a bus to ride with a buddy that you will be with in the park all day!

Only sign up if you have already paid and turned in all forms to Mrs. Tojo. Registration is now closed.

Make sure you put your cell phone number on the sign up so that we can contact you if necessary in the park!

Sign up for Remind! Send a text to 81010 with @carowenloe as the message

Day of the trip:

Please arrive at 3600 Glenwood Ave. by 5:45 AM, and get on your bus that you signed up for so that we can take roll

Address: 3600 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh NC 27612

We depart promptly at 6:00 AM.

**Contact Mrs. Tojo if you will not attend, so we don’t wait for you!

Please dress appropriately for the weather!

We won’t stop for breakfast on the way, so make sure you eat ahead of time or bring a bag breakfast!

Please leave your valuables at home! You may leave things on the bus during the day but we don’t recommend you leave computers, ipods, etc. There are lockers in the park for rent if you wish to use them.

We should arrive at Carowinds around 9:00 AM.

When you arrive, you will receive your T-shirt and have a chance to visit exciting information tables put together by your Key Club District Board.

At around 10 AM, you will take a seat in the Palladium to watch presentations and listen to an excellent motivational speaker.


Be sure to eat something late in the afternoon in the park, as we will not stop for dinner on the way home. Make sure you have enough money ($15-20)! We will meet at the buses immediately after the park closes at 5:30 PM. Be on time!!!!

We should return to the _______ at about 8:30 PM. You will be asked to stay in touch with your parents so that there is no delay in having you picked up when the buses arrive. Please be considerate of the chaperones who can’t leave until YOU are picked up!

Get ready for a great trip!!