
Publications and working papers 

A non-technical summary of the paper is here: IZA Newsroom 

Conferences: 6th International conference on European Economics and Politics (Zurich, expected), 2024 MEA conference/SOLE (Chicago), 2023 Asia Meeting of the Econometric Society (Singapore), Seminars: the University of Barcelona, University Pablo de Olavide, University of Surrey

Conferences: EALE conference 2023 (Prague), ESPE conference 2024 (scheduled)

Presented at: ECINEQ 2023 (Aix-en-Provence), AEA Meeting 2019 (Atlanta), NBER Spring Meetings 2020 (Selected)

 ***Ezio Tarantelli Prize 2018 for best paper in Labour Economics*** Motivation

Work in progress 

Book chapters 

Policy reports