10. Round the year

days, months, seasons, festivals and celebrations in the Czech Republic and in English speaking countries – Easter, Christmas, Halloween


What are some of the most popular festivals or celebrations in your country?

When are they celebrated?

Are they celebrated as a family or a group?

Are they religious holidays?

Is attending a temple or a church on that day part of the celebration?

Are there special foods connected with the celebrations?

Is gift giving a part of these festivals?

Are there specific types of gifts to be given?

What are some of the things that are done at this festival or celebration?

Do you enjoy the festival?

What activities normally take place at festivals?

Do you decorate your house for the celebration?

Are there special songs associated with the celebration?

Are there different festivals held in different regions within your country?

Can you tell me about the wedding traditions in your country?

Are all wedding ceremonies religious, or can there be non-religious ceremonies as well?

Describe the wedding you’ve been to or heard about.

What gifts do guests usually give to the bride and groom?

Are there any traditional wedding dances or songs in your country?

Do you celebrate New Year’s Eve in your country?

How do you celebrate it?

Do you enjoy going to festivals? Why / Why not?
