Summer Reading 2016-2017

You are assigned the book Tuesdays with Morrie.

Read the document below titled 1617SummerReadingEnglish2 for all of the details!

To download the 1617 Summer Reading the down arrow and save the document on your computer. Type your answers in the document. Print the entire document and bring to school with your supplies on the first day of class.

Tuesdays with Morrie Summer Reading Concepts:


Man vs Self

Man vs Society

Man vs Man

Characters (Dynamic Round, Dynamic Flat, Static Round, Static Flat)

Fit into categories, relations with one another



Author's Writing Style

Choice of words, intent of juxtapositions, etc. How does author get reader to think as the story unfolds

Lessons learned


Role of Morality

"Search for Identity" ... a "Coming of Age"

Hunger Games Summer Reading Concepts: