
The Deadly Wave

One summer, I travelled with my family to the seaside by plane. Everybody was excited as always and we couldn’t wait to get on board.

When we entered the plane, we took our seats and took off. The flight was long and boring but it was worth it. When we left the plane, the tourist guide told us where to go. We walked to our hotel for about  five minutes. When we got the room key, we went straight to the room to rest and get ready for the beach. When we got there we jumped in the sea to refresh ourselves and have some fun. We played volleyball, swam back and forth and everything was perfect until one moment.

The big wave appeared in front of us. The lifeguard told everyone to get out of the water until the wave was gone. I didn’t hear what he had said and the wave hit me! I started drowning and shouting for help. Luckily, the lifeguard got me out of the water and everything was alright.

It’s amazing how big waves can be so powerful to kill somebody or injure them badly but the most important thing is that I didn’t get hurt or injured thanks to the lifeguard. This is something I will never forget and in the future I will be more careful with waves.

Strahinja Riznić VII-5


Hi Matt,

Right now, I am in Serbia, I’m an exchange student, so everything is new for me. I love it here! I have already found a couple of friends. They’re really nice!

When I first came here my plane landed on the airport named “Nikola Tesla”. You’re a disgrace if you don’t know who he is!

My best friends are really fun! Teachers are fine too! My favourite teacher is the biology teacher. She is really funny and the atmosphere is nice too! There are some noisy students too but overall it is a great experience for me.

I do miss my old classmates though. I send them  e-mails every day. My old school was much easier than this one! Here, they are very strict and demanding.

I am very tired and hungry after school! We sometimes have seven classes so the school ends at 8:00 PM! Luckily, we have two shifts here. The first one is the morning shift and the second one is the afternoon shift. The morning shift starts at 8:00AM, while the afternoon shift starts at 2:00PM.

This is the best experience I have had so far and I definitely love it.



Pavle Čaprić VII-4


Hi my friend,

I am from Serbia,ex Yugoslavian country in the Balkans.I live in Belgrade,the capital of Serbia.I was born here and my flat is on Banovo Hill.

My school is “Josif Pancic”,one of the best Primary schools in Belgrade,and the best in the hood. My favourite subject is history.The best atmosphere is in geography class.

My favourite teacher is the history teacher because she looks like that she knows every single answer we ask her.Curriculum is pretty big and hard.This week we had 4 tests.I think I’ ve done them pretty well.Until the fifth grade I was 5.00,in the fifth and sixth I had two fours.I am in the seventh grade now, I think I’m doing pretty smoothly this year.

Well, my class is ending soon.Hope you tell me about your school and about your life.

See ya!!!

Luka Djokovic VII-4



For my survey, I asked twenty-eight students of my school questions about their eating habits. These are the results:

Firstly, a lot of students eat fruit or healthy food for snacks, but about 35% eat crisps, sweets and a lot of chocolate.

Secondly, about  80% of students eat only two portions of fruit per day, so that leaves us with only 20% of children who have more than 3 portions of fruit and vegetables a day.

In the end, I asked how much they exercise and this is the result:

Fourteen of them exercise every day, thirteen of them exercise 4-5 times a week and two of them almost never exercise.

Ana Krtolica VII-4

Teacher: Ivana Milisavljević, December 2015.