Information for Members
How many races can I swim a night?
A member can swim up to 3 races a night. Usually, this includes:
a freestyle sprint - 16 m, 25 m, 50 m, 100 m
a formstroke (Butterfly, Breaststroke or Backstroke) - 16 m, 25 m, 50 m, 100 m
a distance event - either freestyle 4x16 m, 4x25 m, 200 m, 400 m OR medley 4x16 m, 4x25 m, 200 m.
What distance should I swim?
It is best to begin with the race distance you are most comfortable with for each stroke. Once you have successfully swum a 25 m race, you can't compete in a 16 m race (except in certain Age Championships). Similarly, once you have competed in a 50 m race, you can't compete in a 25 m race. Note this rule does not apply to races of greater distance than 50 m (i.e. you can alternate between 50 m and 100 m races). Once you have swum the times below you must graduate to the longer distance.
How do I enter a race?
All swimmers must enter online using the google form by Thursday 5:30 pm prior to Friday race night. Online entries are a necessity as we need to start promptly at 7:00 pm to get through our program for the evening. The entry form is sent through on Band each week.
What happens if I change my mind on the night and want to swim a different race?
Unfortunately, changes can not be made on race nights. You can withdraw from a race but can not swap to another race (even if there is an empty lane).
Can I swim the 800 m or the 1500 m?
A swimmer who wishes to swim the longer distance must first qualify by swimming a shorter distance. For example to qualify for 800 m, you must have completed the 400 m. To swim the 1500 m, you must have swum both the 400 m and 800 m races. If not possible (absent on the night), applications may be made to the Committee who will consider it on a case by case basis.
What are Championship Races?
In the second half of the season, we run our Championship Races. These include our Special Trophy Events, the Open Championships and the Age Championships.
How do I qualify for a Championship Race?
To qualify, a swimmer must:
be a financial member of the club before the last race night in December
have swum the stroke at least once (i.e. have a seed time)
have swum at least 5 Friday race nights before the first Open Championship event.
in the case of Open Championships, be one of the fastest 7 swimmers for each stroke.
Swimmers will swim the following distances according to his/her age of 1st October (at the start of the season)
A swimmer may be invited to swim at a Championship Race at the discretion of the Committee if they are a second claim or casual swimmer or if they do not qualify, however, they cannot earn points or trophies.
How are points calculated?
On weekly race nights, points are awarded to swimmers who improve their own personal best time. The point score (up to 5 points) is calculated based on the degree of improvement. Swimmers also receive one point for simply competing in an event (even if they do not improve their time).
When are race results published?
We endeavour to get race results published as soon as possible. They will appear on the calendar on the home page when available and are published on BAND. If you have a query or dispute about race results, please contact the Race Secretary. We also require that members complete a permission form in order to publish the result and photos on this website.