
Benefits of Fitness

Exercise Boosts Brainpower

Not only does exercise improve your body, it helps your mental function

Exercise increases energy levels and increases serotonin

in the brain, which leads to improved mental clarity

Exercise Gives You Energy

You might be surprised at how, say, popping in a workout tape for 30 minutes in the morning can change your whole day. When endorphins are released into your bloodstream during exercise.

And when you improve your strength and stamina, it's easier to accomplish everyday tasks like carrying groceries and climbing stairs. This also helps you feel more energetic over the course of the day.

Movement Melts Away Stress

As much as it may stress you out just to think about exercising, once you actually start working out, you'll experience less stress in every part of your life.

Exercise produces a relaxation response that serves as a

positive distraction.

Exercise Helps Ward Off Disease

Research has shown that exercise can slow or help prevent

heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, high cholesterol,

type 2 diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis (bone loss), and loss

of muscle mass.

Fitness Pumps Up Your Heart

Not only does exercise help fight disease, it creates a stronger heart, The most important muscle in the body. That helps makes exercise and the activities of daily life feel easier.

Your heart and cardiovascular system will function more effectively. The heart will build up less plaque. It will become a more efficient pump.

When the heart becomes stronger, it pumps more blood per beat, so at rest, the heart rate is lower. It's not going to have to beat as fast to expend the same amount of effort.

Within only a couple days after you start exercising the body readily adapts to the stimulus it's getting and it becomes easier. You will feel less fatigue. It will not take as much effort when it comes to breathing. You shouldn't have as much pain or soreness.

Exercise Lets You Eat More

Pound for pound, muscle burns more calories at rest than body fat. So the more muscle you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate. You also burn calories while you're actually exercising.

All this means that "cheating" with a cookie once in a while isn't going to take you back 10 steps. Can you eat anything? No, But you can afford to enjoy some of the things you really like when you exercise regularly. You can better get away with those things in moderation than you can when you're not working out.

Exercise Boosts Performance

After a few weeks of consistent exercise, you may feel your clothes fitting differently and see that your muscle tone has improved.

You may also notice your newly pumped-up muscles in other ways, especially if you're a recreational golfer or tennis player, or like a friendly game of pick-up basketball. Exercising consistently will strengthen your muscles, increase flexibility, and improve your overall performance.

Your muscles will work much more efficiently and you'll gain a greater sense of endurance. In addition your reaction time and balance will improve.

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