
Elowyn Yager 

Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

About me

Angel Monsalve

Postdoctoral Scholar, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research interests: My research is mainly focused on sediment transport and river morphology processes. I use Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to study the flow field's variability at a local scale and gain insight into the feedback between the bed surface, sediment particles, and the surrounding flow. I'm also interested in bed load rates prediction in mountain rivers, effects of river temperature in water quality, bed surface evolution, bridge pier scouring in gravel-bed rivers, sediment patch formation, and turbulence modeling. 

Katie Adler

Postdoctoral Scholar, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research interests: Broadly, I am interested in fluid processes which transport nutrients, momentum, and sediment in the environment. My PhD work involved laboratory experiments investigating physical mechanisms impacting or facilitating air-water gas transfer. Better understanding of these mechanisms can guide the development of sustainable aquatic food and energy production technologies and improve models which describe the fate and transport of pollutants, such as greenhouse gases.


Danny White

Postdoctoral Scholar, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research interests: I study the interaction of flow, sediment, and vegetation in river corridors using laboratory, field, numerical, and remote sensing methods. Current and recent projects include estimating river discharge with remote sensing imagery, modeling the effects of floodplain vegetation on channel-floodplain exchange fluxes, and studying channel response to disturbances such as wildfires.


Inhyeok Bae

Postdoctoral Scholar, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research interests: My main research interest is the hydraulic impacts of riparian vegetation on rivers. In particular, I have been studying the derivation of quantitative relationships between the physical and geometric properties of woody vegetation patches and the reach-scale flow resistance of channels. This research has been based mainly on large-scale experiments and field investigations, and I also have considerable interest in related hydraulic measurements, data processing, and remote sensing studies.

Megan Kenworthy

PhD Student, Water Resources

Dissertation topic: Hydrograph and sediment supply influences on channel morphology, grain sorting, and sediment transport rates

Research interests: Processes influencing channel morphology and grain sorting on the channel bed, including hydrograph shape, vegetation, climate, land-use, and flow management.  Geomorphic response of rivers and hillslopes to climate change.  Ecological implications of altered hydrographs, channel morphology, and grain size distributions on channel beds.  

Nicole Hucke

PhD student, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research interests: My research consists of streambed sediment motion and phenomena related to armor layer breakup, local stream topography influence on ground and stream water exchange, hyporheic zone behavior, and how all these factors vary during different seasons throughout the year. I am also interested in studying sediment transport rates in different kinds of rivers through geomorphic modeling

Sebastian Bernal 

PhD Student, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research interests: My research consists of sediment transport processes and the mechanics behind the dimensionless critical shear stress. I am interested in how different grain size distributions and protrusion influence the onset of motion, and how the magnitude and recurrence of previous flows affect these variables in their calculation of the critical Shields stress.

Nick Colaianne

PhD Student, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research interests: My research focuses on bedrock channel morphology and incisional processes. I am particularly interested in lithologic effects on channel morphology at scales from the regional to microscopic. I combine field and laboratory techniques to understand the relationship between block transport and channel evolution. I am also interested in remote channel measurement techniques, flow modeling, and the onset of sediment entrainment.

Kevin Jensen

MS Student, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Thesis topic: Considerations of flow magnitude and duration in economic analyses of flood impacts

Jeff Kennedy

MEng Student, Civil and Environmental Engineering


Postdoctoral scholars

Jaeho Shim: Postdoctoral Scholar, Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2018-2022, now at Riley Engineering

Rohan Benjankar: Postdoctoral Scholar, Civil Engineering, 2009-2016, now faculty at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

PhD students

Jenna Duffin: PhD, Water Resources, 2021, co-advised with Daniele Tonina, now at Cbec Ecoengineering

Jeff Larimer: PhD, Geology, 2020, primary advisor was Brian Yanites, now at McMillen Engineering

Heidi Smith: PhD, Water Resources, 2019, now at Idaho Department of Water Resources

Angel Monsalve: PhD, Civil Engineering, 2016, now postdoc at University of Idaho

Todd Buxton: PhD, Water Resources, 2014, co-advised with Alex Fremier, now at US Bureau of Reclamation

MS/MEng students

Tim Richard: MEng, Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2023, now at Forsgren Associates

Caitlin Keady: MS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2022, now at Baxter Brewing Company

Moritz Gundlach: MS, BOKU, 2019, co-advised with Roland Kaitna

Christina Beeson: MS, Environmenal Science, 2018

Solange Leblois: MS, EPFL, 2018, co-advised with Roland Kaitna and Christoph Ancey

John Boyd: MS, Water Resources, 2012, now at Ardurra Engineering

Sagar Neupane: MS, Civil Engineering, 2011, now at Stantec Engineering

Lauren Perreault: MS, Environmental Science, 2011, now at US Geological Survey

Russ Lodge: MEng, Civil Engineering, 2008, now at US Army Corps of Engineers

Toni Turner: MS, Civil Engineering, 2008, co-advised with Peter Goodwin, now at US Bureau of Reclamation

Undergraduate students with senior thesis

Jaime Orr: BS, Environmental Science, 2012