

  • 1990. 03 ~ 1994. 02 : B. Sc., Chemistry, Yonsei University.
  • 1994. 03 ~ 1996. 02 : M. Sc., Physical Chemistry, Computational Quantum Chemistry, KAIST.
  • 1996. 03 ~ 1999. 08 : Ph. D., Physical Chemistry, Computational Quantum Chemistry, KAIST.


  • 1999. 10 ~ 2000. 09 : Postdoctoral researcher, Tokyo Univ., Japan.
  • 2000. 10 ~ 2010. 03 : Computational chemistry team leader, LG chem., Ltd. Research Park, Republic of Korea.
  • 2010. 03 ~ 2013. 02 : Principal researcher, Division of materials science, Korea Basic Science Institute (KBSI), Republic of Korea.
  • 2013. 03 ~ 2017. 02 : Associate professor, Department of energy and materials engineering, Dongguk University, Republic of Korea.
  • 2017. 03 ~ present : Professor, Department of energy and materials engineering, Dongguk University, Republic of Korea.