Call For Papers

The ICSR 2015 Workshop "Evaluation Methods Standardization in Human-Robot Interaction" aims to bring together people from different research fields in order to share their experiences and their methodologies about Human-Robot Interaction evaluations.

We encourage experts in Human-Robot Interaction evaluation to participate to this workshop in order to give their opinion about:

  • existing evaluation methods,

  • good and bad practices (applied in HRI),

  • guidelines for HRI evaluations,

  • common standards.

The objective of this first workshop is to answer the following questions:

  • Q1: which methodology from Human-Human Interaction and Human-Animal Interaction can be applicable to Human-Robot Interaction ?

  • Q2: which are good or bad practices?

  • Q3: which common mistakes or biases should be avoid when designing an evaluation, whatever the partners studied?


Due to the short deadline, we invite experts to send an email to celine.jost(AT) with the following information:

    • Mail Subject: [EMSHRI 2015] submission

    • Name, affiliation, discipline

    • Type of expected contribution:

      • short presentation,

      • round-table meeting participation

    • Topic of expertise

    • A short paragraph explaining:

      • your motivation to participate to this workshop

      • questions (among Q1, Q2, and Q3) you would like to give an answer or to participate the debate

This call is open to anyone interested in Human-Robot Interaction studies who would like to bring their expertise or to share their experiences about Human-Robot Interaction evaluations: computer scientists, roboticists, psychologists, ethologists, sociologists, philosophers, anthropologists, ...

Important dates

Submission deadline: from now to September 20th. September 26th (extended deadline)

Notification of acceptation: two weeks after email reception

Workshop: October 26th, 2015, AM


If you have some questions, please write to: celine.jost(AT)