Tank trouble unblocked

Do you really love tank trouble game? If yes, then tank trouble 2 would be the highly recommended. This game has earned an immense name in the field of online gaming. The first installment of the series with the same name brought appreciation, love, and accolades.

Play Tank Trouble 2 unblocked:

The second installment of the series with tank Trouble 2 unblocked games has raised the bar higher even. This game offers you the single player, 2 players, and 3 players online battle arena. In this battle arena, the players are fighting to earn a higher number of scores.

The entire presentation of the game is really impressive. You need to be quick, faster and last but not the least having a strategy. The game is not like that you go and shoots the other tank without any strategy. If you do not use your mind, and just running to shot the other tanks, you may get your shot to destroy yourself even.

In-tank trouble 2 you can play up to three other players. Or can go with your own CPU to compete. In the latter version, the computer will put 2 other tanks against you, and you will be fighting against the other 2 tanks to stand win.

How to play Tank trouble 2:

This is a shooting game where you shot other tanks to win scores. The amusement of the game rose when you get to go with the other two players. The other two players can be the real online players. Or can have your own CPU playing against you. It becomes difficult to fight the other two CPU players.

You move your players using arrows, and you need to be quick. In starting you may not get the navigation right and more than often would land to shooting yourself. But, once you get to learn the basics of it, you would learn how to navigate the maze, and to use the right time to shot your players.

Initially, you come against just one player. The simple maze layout is just amazing to fight on. But, once you win or lose the game and proceed the levels become harder and it becomes more difficult to win. The more you practice the more you win and excel the skill of winning battles in Tank Trouble 2.

Just remember one thing, the bullets bounce off from the walls, so just do not go randomly with shooting or you will shoot yourself in the game.


Player 1 = Arrows & Ctrl,

Player 2 = ESDF & Q,

Player 3 = 8456 & 0,

Player 4 = IJKL & Y.

One player mode = Arrows & M

What is your objective in Tank Trouble 2?

You got a clean and clear objective, to get other tanks down by hatching heinous strategy and win higher scores. This time the tanks got colors. Like, if you go to three players’ mode, you get to fight two other players. If you go against two CPU players, you will have to fight against red.

The green color tank, the red color tank, and Blue color tanks are the three tanks in the maze.

You control the green tank; the red tank and blue are coming against you and for themselves. They are separate players and not only would shot you but shot each other. So, you need to get some breath to get to know what happens in this game.

And once you get the idea of navigation in the maze, shooting and ejecting a rocket. You go into the arena and fight against them.

Remember, the bullet bounces off the walls, and it can hit you even if you are not close to any tanks. The points are distributed in the maze, get to eat the points and get the higher number of bullets or rocket.

The rocket phenomenon is newly introduced in tank trouble 2, in this, either you or your opponent if fire a rocket, the closer to the rocket will get hit.

If any of the players shot a rocket, you need to go against it as long as possible. In this way you not only are safe, but the rocket may hit the tank which has emits to hit you.

Tank trouble 2 features:

The second installment of the series is entirely awesome. With dozens of new features, this game is creating havoc in the online gaming world.

· You can play against three other players in the beautifully designed maze.

· You are given with the color tanks, unlike the first version where all tanks were of the same colors.

· Bounce off the bullets features is amazing.

· Shooting the rocket feature is even better, and this can hit any tank near to that.

· You need to build some strategies to stand in the game.

· The graphics are amazing

· The navigation, the maze designs are thoroughly awesome

· You can go with a single player even

· In multiplayer you go with the real online players.