E-mail: eskoufias@gmail.com

Short Bio: I am a Lead Economist at the World Bank working on poverty and distributional issues. In January 2023, I will be assuming my new duties as a Visiting Professor at the LKY School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore.

I have a Ph. D. in Economics from the University of Minnesota (1988), and a B.A. in Economics from the University of California at Berkeley (1981). I have worked as an Associate Professor at the Economics Institute at the University of Colorado in Boulder and as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics of the Pennsylvania State University. I have also served as a Senior Researcher in the Research Department of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), where I led the impact evaluation of the PROGRESA conditional cash transfer program of Mexico.

I have published numerous papers in a variety of academic journals on the targeting of social programs, the impacts of cash and in-kind transfer programs, child malnutrition, social networks among indigenous peoples, land tenancy, regional welfare disparities within countries, informal risk sharing in rural communities, household coping strategies against shocks, and the impacts of climate change and variability on different dimensions of welfare.