Tips and Tweaks for Students in Linguistics


I use the following LaTeX packages:

- Linguex ( to format examples

- Tikz-qtree ( to draw syntactic trees

- Forest

- AVM ( for... AVMs

- PGFplots ( to draw plots

- bibliography style: try compling.bst (


- Emacs (with AUCTeX) is my favorite LaTeX editor.

- I use org-mode ( for almost everything: agenda, GTD, writing papers, code, books.

- some basic knowledge of emacs lisp (elisp) can be useful...


Great for python scripts. I teach Python using the notebooks.

Python Pandas Libraries

I use pandas ( for data analysis. It does (almost) everything R does, but it's part of the python world.

SETTING YOUR .org for an ACL submission

Insert :

#+LATEX_CLASS: article

#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{acl2023}

In the header of you org file. 

Ensure that the acl2023.sty file is accessible to LaTeX. You can place it in the same directory as your Org file, or in a directory that is part of your TeX distribution’s search path.