Working Papers: 

Gonçalves, Felipe,  Elisa Jácome, and Emily Weisburst. 2023. "Community Engagement and Public Safety: Evidence from Crime Enforcement Targeting Immigrants." National Bureau of Economic Research, NBER Working Paper #32109. NBER Link ; Most Recent Version - Paper ; Supplementary Appendix

[Previously Titled: "Immigration Enforcement and Public Safety"] 

Journal Articles: 

Cho, Sungwoo, Felipe Gonçalves, and Emily Weisburst. 2023. "The Impact of Fear on Police Behavior and Public Safety." National Bureau of Economic Research, NBER Working Paper #31392 (Accepted, Review of Economics and Statistics). NBER Link ; Most Recent Version - Paper 

[Previously Titled: "Do Police Make Too Many Arrests? The Effect of Enforcement Pullbacks on Crime" (2021)]

Afrouzi, Hassan, Carolina Arteaga, and Emily Weisburst. 2024. "Is it the Message or the Messenger? Examining Movement in Immigration Beliefs." Journal of Political Economy: Microeconomics 2 (2), 244-297.  Paper ; Online Appendix ; Supplementary Appendix ; Link  

Weisburst, Emily. 2022. "Whose Help is on the Way? The Importance of Individual Police Officers in Law Enforcement Outcomes." Journal of Human Resources, Online before print. Paper ; Link 

Chalfin, Aaron, Ben Hansen, Emily Weisburst, and Morgan C. Williams, Jr. 2022. "Police Force Size and Civilian Race." American Economic Review: Insights 4 (2), 139-158. Paper ; Link 

Gompers, Paul, Vladimir Mukharlyamov, Emily Weisburst, and Yuhai Xuan. 2021. "Gender Gaps in Venture Capital Performance." Journal of Quantitative and Financial Analysis, 1-58. Paper ; Link 

Daugherty, Lindsay, Russell Gerber, Paco Martorell, Trey Miller, and Emily Weisburst. 2021. "Heterogeneity in the Effects of College Course Placement." Research in Higher Education 62, 1086-1111. Paper ; Link  

Weisburst, Emily. 2019. "Patrolling Public Schools: The Impact of Funding for School Police on Student Discipline and Long-term Education Outcomes." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 38 (2), 338-365. Paper ; Link

Weisburst, Emily. 2019. "Safety in Police Numbers: Evidence of Police Effectiveness from Federal COPS Grant Applications." American Law and Economics Review 21 (1), 81-109. Paper ; Link

Weisburst, Emily. 2019. "Police Use of Force as an Extension of Arrests: Examining Disparities across Civilian and Officer Race." AEA Papers & Proceedings 109, 152-156. Paper ; Link

Cunha, Jesse, Trey Miller, and Emily Weisburst. 2018. "Information and College Decisions: Evidence from the Texas GO Center Project." Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 40 (1), 151-170. Paper ; Link

Weisburst, Emily, Lindsay Daugherty, Paco Martorell, Trey Miller, and Jana Cossairt. 2017. "Innovative Pathways through Developmental Education and Post-Secondary Success: An Examination of Developmental Math Interventions Across Texas." The Journal of Higher Education 88 (2), 189-209. Paper ; Link

Policy Memos: 

Gonçalves, Felipe, Elisa Jácome, and Emily Weisburst. July 3, 2024. "Immigration Enforcement and Public Safety." Cato Institute, Research Briefs in Economic Policy, No. 390. Link 

Chalfin, Aaron, Benjamin Hansen, Emily Weisburst, and Morgan C. Williams, Jr. May 18, 2021. "When cities add cops, Black residents could have the most to gain - and the most to lose." Niskanen Center. Link

Gonçalves, Felipe and Emily Weisburst. 2020. "Economic Research on Racial Disparities in Policing." Econofact. Link

Weisburst, Emily. 2018. "Sentencing Reform Update: The Economic Case for the 'First Step Act.' " EconoFact. Link 

Weisburst, Emily and Sandra Black. 2017. "The Economic Case for Sentencing Reform." EconoFact. Link

Teaching Materials: 

Gompers, Paul and Emily Weisburst. 2010. "Charter Communications Bankruptcy." Harvard Business School Case Study, HBS N9-211-035, Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing. Link

Gompers, Paul and Emily Weisburst. 2010. "Founders Fund." Harvard Business School Case Study, HBS N9-211-040, Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing.